Matthew 18:2-4…..Working
18:2 He called a little child (two to four years old.) and had him stand among them. (taking the child in His arms.-(Mark. 9:36b) Suggest to be used as a object lesson and visual aid.) 3 And he said “I tell you the truth (Expresses something of great importance.) unless you change (turn, transform, adjust, reform. be converted-K.J.V. Not a religious conversion. But a change of thinking from one of pride, self-dependance, and self-sufficiency.) and become like little children, (Not in the sense of sinless, innocence, purity, or being childish. But in status, humility, dependance.) you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. (To assume the qualities and traits that are in line with heaven. That humility is the way in and the way forward.) 4 Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.
Extended Sermon Notes
“Even today, we need the same humble faith that can say I’m a sinner who cant Save myself. I can’t do or accomplishment anything in my own strength and abilities, but are wholly dependent on you Lord for everything.”⇒ Greatness is not a good man who has done it all, accomplish it all. Greatness is a man who knows he’s absolutely broken; sinful and unworthy. And he looks only to the mercy of God. This what Jesus taught earlier in the Sermon on the Mount, when He said, “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” [Mat. 5:3] Greatness is being humble enough to say “God I know that there is nothing I could do to earn my Salvation. There is nothing I can do to make a impact for your Kingdom on this earth for apart from you. I can do nothing of real significance and value without your help. We may think that we are pretty great, but it is not true. We have nothing to give to God that He needs, and we need everything He offers, because we can’t do it ourselves.
Additional Notes & Applications
Teaches how just like this child were to come with a open and trusting hearts, with simplicity of faith that has no hesitations or reservation.
Warns against coming to God with a resume of how great we are.
Calls for assuming a positions of little importance and status.
Displays Jesus’ gracious gentleness and patience. He doesn’t’ scold or reprimand the disciples for their arrogance, self-centeredness and hard-heartedness in worrying about rank and position in the Kingdom of heaven after He just old them He’s going to die on the cross. (17:22).
Humbling yourself is not a quality that comes easily and naturally to people like us. Humility is something you must work at. Humility is not arbitrary asceticism or a phoney false modesty. Or something you wear or put on superficially, which often times comes off phony and shallow. But the acceptance of an inferior position. Humility is not a abstract virtue as being meek and modest. Humility is not self-deprecation, self-hatred, or thinking less of yourself. C. S. Lewis was quoted as saying: “Humility is not thinking less of yourself, it’s thinking of yourself less. Humility doesn’t mean hiding your gifts and talents, or believing your worthless and can’t do anything good. Humility isn’t a sign of weakness in allowing yourself to be doormats and pushed around. Humility is not inactivity in sitting on the sidelines and playing it safe. Humility isn’t being reserved. unopinionated, or you can’t voice your opinion when someone asks. Humility is about serving and thinking about others more than yourself. Humility is submission and utter dependance on God. Humility is embracing humble circumstances and be associated with those of low estate. Humility is knowing ones spiritual poverty and bankruptcy before God. Humility is seeing ones continual need of God’s mercy and grace.
Notice Jesus does not attempt to tamp down their ambition. Nor did He criticize or reprove them for desiring such greatness. But rather was redefining their perspectives on what constitutes greatness as doing what matters to God and His Kingdom and not the worlds. Though their ambition for greatness was healthy, but their aim was wrong. Their worldly image of what the greatest looked like was the exact opposite of how God defined it. He wanted them to set aside the worldly definition (to power over), and replace it with a godly definition (to serve).
In Jewish culture at that time children were to be seen and not heard. Children were regarded more like property than individuals. A child was a person of no importance in Jewish society, subject to the authority of his elders, not taken seriously except as a responsibility, one to be looked after, not one to be looked up to. Even in the stories of the feeding of the 4000 and 5000, the men were counted, and the women and children were a side note. Children are a little more important in the United States. You have the DCFS (Department of Child and Family Services) for children’s rights. But children cannot vote. They have no “voice,” so to speak, in adult affairs.
Some scholars point out that this is the first and only time in all of ancient literature where a child is used as a positive example.
We wished we could say that when Jesus finished His teaching here it settled the issue. No more arguing about it. But we know that’s not true, in fact when Jesus predicts His death for a second time we find the mother of James & John requesting that one of her sons sit on Jesus’ right and one on His left in His Kingdom.-(Matt. 20:17-28)
Humility is not thinking you cant do anything good
Humility is not self-hatred or constantly criticizing yourself
Humility is not self-hatred, self-neglect, or self-punishment
Humility is not always walking under a dark cloud.
Humility is not celebrating how lowly you are, but about lifting others up (Thinking of how lowly your can lead to pride)
Humility is not hiding your gifts and talents (We use our gifts to serve God, not to show off)
Humility is not playing it safe or sitting on the sidelines
Humility is not a sign of weakness
Humility is not…….
Humility is utter dependance on God’s mercy
Humility is unquestioning acceptance of God’s Word
Humility is willing to associate with those of low regard
Humility is……….
False humility can be a twisted form of pride
False humility can be an offense to Jesus’ finished work on the cross
False humility can lead to inferiority complex
False humility can rob God of His glory
False humility can lead to honoring oneself
False humility can rob you of God’s best
False humility can make a person look and sound humble
False humility can be self-centered, serving one’s personal ends
False humility can be…………
- Posted by David Costa/
- Notes/
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