Matthew 16:26……Working
16:26 What good will it be for a man if he gains (profits, hoards, reaps, procures.) the whole world, (Hyperbole. Metph.-money, wealth, riches, fame, etc.) yet forfeits (loses, squanders) his soul? (very self.-{Luke 9:25}) Or what can a man give in exchange (ransom, atone, redeem.) for his soul? (Assumes a negative reply as in “Nothing”!)
Continued From Book
“Teaches how the Salvation of the soul is worth more than anything this world can offer.” ⇒ It’s to high of a price to pay for what you get in return, so don’t risk it.
“Calls for a deeper contemplation of eternity and why were here, than just for money, pleasure, and material things.” ⇒ Don’t fall the preferred cultural narrative that is limited to what you can see. It’s easy for us to get caught up in the here and now. What we can see, what’s in front us right here and right now. But in light of eternity it is fleeting like a vapor in the wind. Like the saying goes “Here today and gone tomorrow.” Therefore nothing on this earth, no amount of money, no achievement, no accomplishment that s worth losing your soul and Salvation over.
“Warns the folly of trading in a short time of sinful pleasures in this life now for a life of eternity in hell later!” ⇒ Sexual sins are the big fulfillment in our culture today. So you commit your sexual immorality, whatever it is (pornography, fornication, adultery, homosexuality, or whatever physical desire you want) and receive your minutes of pleasure. Then what? It did not last. The feeling is gone and joy is gone and all you have is a memory. You are trading eternal pleasure, joy, and satisfaction for a few minutes. Why would you throw your life away on the fleeting pleasures of sin? Sin does not last and does not satisfy.
“Warns if were unwilling to give up everything for Jesus in this life. we risk losing everything of real value.“⇒ Jim Elliot and american missionary who many may have heard of wrote this in his journal “He is no fool who gives up what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose.”
Additional Notes & Applications
Jesus is not saying you can’t plan for your retirement or invest in the future. Or saying you can’t have success or wealth. But rather He doesn’t want us so focused and obsessed over those aspects of life. All of our pursuits, desires, and wants hint at something much bigger and much more transcendent. That any way of life that seeks to gain and win to the exclusion of the way of the cross will be found wanting. Nothing will measure up. Nothing will prove profitable and eternally satisfying.
The Soul is the inner spiritual part of man, making up one’s identity, personality, emotions, thinking, desires, will, and memories
The Soul comes from God and is breathed into you by God
The Soul is immortal, eternal, and will lasts forever
The Soul lives on independent of the body
The Soul is eternally Lost because of sin, unless Saved by God
The Soul is filled with longings & desires for God
The Soul is the source of all your achievement
The Soul is easily sold to the devil for wealth, succes, power, fame, and honor
The Soul needs to be feed, nourished, and care for daily
- Posted by David Costa/
- Notes/
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