Matthew 16:25……Working
16:25 For whoever wants to save (run, preserve, hang-onto, retain-ownership, play-it-safe, love.-{Jn.12:25}) his life (soul, self-rule, self-centered, comforts, security.) will lose it, (Eternal life or transformed life.) but whoever loses (Surrenders, renounces, puts-off, hates.-{Jn.12:25}) his life for me (Following Jesus, and the Gospel.-{Mark 8:35}) will find it. (Eternal life, higher-purpose, fulfillment.)
Continued From Book
“Teaches rather than run our lives our way, thinking “We know best” turn it over to God and what He says is best.” ⇒ Will you give up your own ways in being the boss of your life and calling the shots to letting Jesus call the shots. Will you put Jesus in the drivers seat in what’s best for you when it comes to your finances, your relationships, and your future. Often times we’ve already mapped out the plans for our lives. We’re going to go to this school, get this degree, get this job, get this house, get this wife, get this number of children, get this retirement, etc. But we’ve never mapped out a place for God in our lives. We’ve never allowed God.
“Teaches you can either live life on your terms, which leads to lose or on God’s terms which leads to life. .” ⇒ How has living life on your terms worked out? Not to good I bet! When we abandon God’s rules and start doing whatever we want our life starts getting really bad, really fast. Our terms are limited and temporary. God’s terms are comprehensive and lasting. We often go for the quick fixes that don’t last and often sets us back. Only by living life on God’s terms leads us to our true purpose and destiny. Ask yourself this, where has living life according to your terms gotten you? I know for myself that it just got me into a lot of trouble and produced loss and shame. Pray and ask God to help you to begin living life on His terms, and you will see your life and everything that you value steadily improve. God’s terms of life will bring true blessing.
“Calls for giving up our own worldly goals, ambitions, and dreams in following Jesus.” ⇒ If your life is focused solely on worldly desires and material possessions it will only lead to a deeper loss of meaning and purpose. There’s nothing wrong about having goals, ambitions, and dreams. Ambition in and of itself isn’t inherently a bad thing. Ambition can either be Godly or selfish. Ambition is often defined as “a strong desire to do or to achieve something requiring determination and hard work.” According to the Bible, however, the core of our ambition is much more than that. Ambition comes down to the motivation of our hearts behind our drive. If your ambitions are ultimately all about you and how you can achieve success, power, money, and fame, then they are clearly self-seeking. Ambitions can be wrong when they’re the chief end of your life and your existence. Or when your willing to achieve them at any cost even if you have to lie and cheat. The opposite is also true, ambition is not only good, but absolutely necessary if we are to do what God has called us to do. We’re called to support and provide for ourselves and our family. Which requires the need to set goals by studying hard, going to school, getting a degree, developing a trade, learning a new skill, starting a business. Imagine having no passion, no drive, no goals, but just coasting through life. In order that we don’t fall into the wrong type of ambitions we need to ask ourselves what is the motive and drive behind our ambitions? Is it self-serving or God-serving and people serving? (cf. Philp. 1:17, 2:3-5) (Note: I encourage you pursue your ambition and set goals for yourself. Be the best you can be at your career, education, and personal life. But first and foremost be a disciple of Jesus, and do it all for serving others and glorify God in the process.)
“Teaches how true life is found not in living for self, but giving it away in serving and helping others.” ⇒ True happiness does not come from status, salary, sex, or success. Those who prefer themselves and give themselves what they want are frequently the most miserable people. True happiness comes from service. God designed you to be happiest when you are giving your life away. It’s when you give your life away you’ll uncover a greater joy, a greater peace, a greater happiness. Giving yourself away in serving and helping others reduces stress and depression, and improves your mood, as well as increases longevity. Additionally, giving can lower your blood pressure, protecting your heart and providing similar results as those of a healthy diet and exercise. One study found that on days people volunteered their time, they had lower levels of cortisol, resulting in reduced stress. In addition to all the health benefits above, giving results in greater happiness and satisfaction. Studies have shown that when helping someone else or giving a gift, the body secretes endorphins in the brain: Serotonin, (a mood regulator) Dopamine, (a pleasure and feel good chemical) and Oxytocin, (a compassion and bonding chemical) which creates a sense of connection with others. These give you an immediate “helper high,” that warm, fuzzy feeling of joy, fulfillment, and satisfaction—and the effects can go on for weeks. Generosity also triggers the release of pleasure and satisfaction hormones in your body, resulting in the potential for improved mood, improved motivation, and even reduced pain. The effects of giving can have a positive impact on our overall health and wellbeing. Giving your life away to charities can make you feel pretty good about yourself. There’s nothing quite like doing something for someone else to put a smile on your face. Even when we’re not feeling our best, if we put some kindness back into the world it can help us feel a little better in ourselves and about the world around us. It’s been said “If you’re not serving, you’re not living; you’re just existing”.
“Teaches how Jesus doesn’t want us to settle for a easy and comfortable life when He has something far better for us in Him.” ⇒ The same is true for us now and for eternity. Jesus is telling us to deny ourselves because he has a better way for us for this life…….(To be continued)
“Even today, you can save your life by living a happy, comfortable, and safe existence. A life that is least demanding, least costly, least offending. A life that is free of pain and discomfort. Or you can lose your life in serving Christ and others.” ⇒ How often do we want to avoid the reproach, the hostility, the persecution, the intimation that goes along with being a Christian so we just clam up. Are you the type of person who only serves Jesus up to the point it gets too painful then you bow out. Do you only follow Jesus up to the point that it starts to cost you something then you stop. That the sacrifice just isn’t worth it. When faced with a choice between Jesus and the comforts and pleasures of this life which will you choose? When faced with a choice between Jesus and the approval of others which will you choose? When faced with a choice between living for the world and living for Christ which will you choose? When your job interferes with church will you quit your job or will church suffer. When your friends interfere with you Christian walk, will you leave them or compromise your Christian principles and values….…….(To be Continued)
Additional Notes & Applications
Teaches how Jesus wants us to follow His plans and goals for our lives, rather than sellout for a life of short-term happiness.
Warns against thinking we’re wiser and smarted than God when it comes to life choices and what’s best for us.
Calls for hating our old life and the person we used to be, to living for God and who He created us to be.
Teaches only by losing ourselves in the service of the Lord and helping others can we find a much richer and fulfilling life.
Warns against living a double life in wanting the delights of this life and the spiritual things of Christianity.
Teaches the more we let go of ourselves the happier we will be and the more God can use us.
Jesus is not saying you can’t have money or wealth. Or you can’t save for the future or plan for retirement? But rather is warning against living solely for those things as an end unto themselves. Or when it takes our devotion and time away from Jesus. That were making Jesus first in whatever job, wealth, and success have has given us. Were making Jesus first in whatever a spouse or a family he’s given us.
Today our culture says if your going to be somebody you need a successful career, wealth, reputation, and status. You have to gain peoples respect and leave a lasting legacy . The world says that you should look out for yourself and get what is yours. It’s all about looking out for number one, taking control of your future, and making your own destiny. Not realizing that we’re not that good at knowing what’s best for us
Ways We Try To Save Our Life’s
We try to save our lives by becoming a workaholic, that there’s no time for God.
We try to save our lives by engrossing ourselves in entertainment, doing things we enjoy.
We try to save our lives by handling the situation & outcome ourselves rather than on God.
- Posted by David Costa/
- Notes/
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