Matthew 16:17…….Ready
16:17 Jesus replied “Blessed (you got it right-(New) are you Simon son of Jonah, for this was not revealed to you by flesh and blood but by my Father in heaven. (For additional Expository Notes See Book)
Extended Sermon Notes
“Teaches faith in Christ is not something we can credit ourselves on or how we got there, but is a divine revelation of God.” ⇒ If left on your own and left to yourself you will never seek out or come to know who the Lord might be. People are inherently sinful and lack the spiritual capacity to seek God on their own; they need divine guidance and power to overcome their limitations. Salvation always begins with God. Your not smart enough to come to that conclusion on your own. Believing in Jesus doesn’t come because you did a lot of studying, or you worked really hard at it. It’s not something you can figure out with a mathematical equation. It’s not an intellectual or academic exercise. It’s a divine revelation that God works on a personas heart. Faith is totally and completely a gift from God.- (John 14:6, Eph. 2:8-9) No one can ever say “Well I wised up and gave my life to Jesus”. (No, what we should be saying is “The Lord opened my eyes and called me to Himself.) That’s why it’s impossible to talk people into getting Saved. You can share the Gospel and plant the Word. You can pray for God’s Spirit to move in opening their eyes and softening their hearts. But only God can Save them. (It’s been said; God’s work is to Save, our work is to deliver the message.)
“Teaches only when we understand who Jesus is and rightly place Him as Lord will we find the best life ⇒ Having received Jesus as Lord & Savior you can feel peace and joy regardless of what’s happening in your life. Knowing your blessed by God helps you in hard times, providing a sense of peace, comfort, and strength through the belief that God is always present, working for your good even amidst challenges and difficult circumstances. Gives you a reason to persevere and believe that good will eventually come, even when things seem bleak. Being in Saving relationship with Jesus gives joy even when things aren’t going well. As a believer you have the most priceless treasure in this world. The forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of Jesus, the new, abundant life we are offered in Christ, and the promise of our own resurrection—these are all grounds for joy and happiness. It’s the kind of joy that will rejoice in God, always; at all times, in all conditions. It’s the kind of joy that can say “if God never gives you another blessing the rest of your days on this earth you still worship Him and proclaim Him and all that He has done for you”. (Matt; 13:44, John 15:11, Rom. 5:13, 2-Corn. 6:8-10, 1-Pet. 1:8, Ps. 30:11)
“Warns against pointing a condemning fingers at others. (Apart from divine grace that’s where we would be as well.)” ⇒……..(To be Continued)
“Even today, Saving faith in Jesus doesn’t come by piecing it all together and coming up with the answer. It doesn’t come because you weighed all the evidence and came to a rational conclusion. It doesn’t come because your parents raised you to believe in the Lord. It comes by God drawing a persons heart.” ⇒ Believing in Jesus and being born again didn’t come by being raised in a Christian home by godly parents. Your mother may have talked to you about Jesus. A friend may have introduced you to Jesus. But it was really God working through them. And it was He who was the one who wonderfully opened your eyes, touched your heart, and caused your soul to live. Your mother couldn’t have done that in you only God could do that in you. If anything God used the influence of your mother, your church, and your pastor. We need to think of our Salvation in similar terms. If asked how you were Saved? You should be able to look back and say God stirred my heart to seek Him. God used the people from the Church and a sermon message to draw me to Himself. Then the words of Jesus rang clear in my ears, “Come to me all you who are worry and burden, and I will give you rest”. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”-(Matt, 28:30-31)
More Notes & Applications
Teaches when we receive Jesus as Lord & Savior God Is moving and working in our lives
Teaches how you can’t arm-wrestles someone into believing Jesus is God
Teaches how only God could do in our life what we couldn’t do on our own.
Teaches how transformation comes not by behaving, but it’s by you beholding.
Displays how sometimes we can speak by divine inspiration and not even know it. Too often we expect God to speak in strange and unnatural ways. Here God spoke through Peter so naturally that he didn’t even realize it was the Father who is in heaven that revealed it to him. So often will preach a sermon or share a scripture with someone, and they’ll come up later to us and say that’s exactly what I needed to hear. Even though we didn’t know what their situation was.
Encourages how we don’t have to figure out on our own all the answer to the questions of life. Our heavenly Father is constantly working through the power of the Holy Spirt to help us …. if only we would pay attention!
Have you ever been frustrated and wondered why people don’t believe in Christ despite all the evidence, despite all the prayers, despite all the times you reached out to them with the Gospel. Why did they not believe? Well the answer is right here. It is God who must reveal it to them and open their blind eyes and soften their hardened heart to see that Jesus Christ is Lord and Savior of the world.
Some believe Son of Jonah was a nicknames for Simon. Therefore Jesus was comparing Peter as a Spiritual son of Jonah. That is, he has the characteristics of Jonah. Thus, Jesus is referring to Peter’s denial of Him and running away when Jesus was arrested—much in the same way Jonah ran from God (Jona 1:1-3). Jesus may also have in mind Simon’s being the first to take the Gospel to the Gentiles (Acts 10), just as Jonah brought the message of repentance to the Gentiles at Nineveh.
Justification in the remission of sins: This means that in Christ our sins have been taken away from us. They are no longer counted against us. Instead Christ to them and the judgment for them upon himself.
Imputed Righteousness: Not only was your sin taken away Christian. You were given the perfect righteousness of Christ. God has replaced your record of sin with Jesus’s perfect record.
Adoption: In Christ you have been removed from the world and brought into God’s family. The Spirit is your seal marking you out as a member of this family.
Sanctification: In Christ you are not only forgiven of sins, declared righteous, and adopted, but you are also progressively infused with holiness. That is the Spirit of God resides within you and makes you more like Jesus.
Glorification/Eternal life: By faith in Christ you receive eternal life and glorification. Glorification is the reception of the immortal, imperishable, and sinless life in the resurrection body.
- Posted by David Costa/
- Notes/
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