Matthew 15:32-39…Working
15:32 Jesus called (Summoned) his disciples (The Twelve) to him (Was not an order or command, but a call in what He would like to see happen. Jesus simply drops the hint and sees if we will do what He desires and wants.-(New) and said, “I have compassion (497-To have the bowels of the stomach moved with love and concern for the needs of others. Loves goes the extra mile-(New) for these people; (Gentiles) they have already been with me three days and have nothing to eat. (We can receive many great blessings already, but still endure hardship.) I do not want to send them away hungry, or they may collapse (faint) on the way”. 33 His disciples answered, “Where could we get enough bread in this remote place (rural, out-in-the sticks) to feed such a crowd?” (Does not mean the disciple’s had forgotten Jesus’ earlier feeding of the 5000.-(Matt. 14:15-21) But did not expect Jesus, as Israel’s Messiah, would perform the same miracle for a Gentile crowd.) 34 “How many loaves do you have?” Jesus asked. (Jesus is not saying ‘how little have you got?’. He is simply asking what resources are already available.-(New) “Seven,” they replied, “and a few small fish.” (Possibly the Kinneret sardine.) .) 35 He told the crowd to sit down on the ground. (Suggests early Spring or late summer. To organize in groups of 50 & 100.) 36 Then he took the seven loaves and fish, and when he had given thanks, (gave the blessing) he broke them and gave them to the disciples, they in turn to the people. 37 They all ate and were satisfied. (By miraculously feeding the multitude, Jesus reveals Himself as the bread & source of eternal life for all people. Emphasizes the sufficiency of Christ in filling the deepest longings of the soul. That no one is left hungry or wanting.) Afterwards, the disciples picked up seven (Seven is often used as a symbolic number of perfection, completeness, and fulness.) basketfuls (4711-hamper-size-basket. The same type of basket that was used to lower the Apostle Paul out of a window-(Acts 9:25, 2-Corn. 11:32-33-(New) Unlike the smaller baskets used in the first feeding of the 5000 Jews. Emphasizes the abundance of God’s grace is enough to go around for all people-(New)) of broken pieces that were left over. (Displays how when you give to the Lord, you’ll always get back more than you gave.-(New) 38 The number of those who ate was four thousand, (The number may be a symbolic representation of people from the four corners of the earth. As we read how God gathers from the four winds of the earth at His coming-(Matt. 24:31 New) besides women and children. (Estimates put the total number between 9,000-12,000.) 39 After Jesus had sent the crowd away, (Dismissing the people with a parting blessing, or exhorting them towards thankfulness and sanctity of life.) he got into the boat and went to the vicinity of Magadan. (Magdala-K.J.V. Having ministered to the Gentiles, Jesus leaves the Decapolis and crosses back over to the Westside of the Sea of Galilee, continuing His ministry to the Jews, arriving in the Jewish village of Magdala. A city just south of Capernaum. Dalmanutha.-{Mark 8:10 b}-Suggests either a variation of the same name or separate village in close proximity. “Magadan” was also the home of Mary Magdalene, whom Jesus had exorcised seven evil spirits from.)
Extended Sermon Notes
“Displays Jesus’ love & compassion for all people, regardless of their sin and sorted background.” ⇒ Whatever level of need you have, Jesus has compassion for it. He is moved by our suffering, and He takes initiative to relieve it……(To be Continued)
“Teaches those who have entrusted themselves to Jesus’ care will never be sent away emptyhanded.)”⇒ Whenever we overextend ourselves in ministry Jesus will be there to take care of us. Don’t ever think that God is not interested in your day to day and hour to hour life. Instead of thinking God can’t possibly know what’s going on in my life. Will you trust that He is aware of your affairs and what is going on in your daily life.
“Warns how like the disciples, we can become bias in thinking the Lord only caters to certain people“ ⇒ No matter how different people are, no matter their race, nationality, genetics, politics, manners, history, etc. we’re to accept, love, and care for all who come to the Lord. For we are all Gentiles.
“Teaches how were expected to participate in ministry in what we receive from the Lord we give to others.” ⇒ As disciples were a conduit in which the Lord works through as a means to help others. This journey was not just about physical healing but about teaching profound spiritual truths. Every act of healing, every compassionate touch, was a lesson for His disciples to learn and emulate. As disciples, we are expected to participate in ministry, using what we receive from the Lord to serve others. Just as Jesus used His disciples to distribute His blessings to the masses, He calls us today to be conduits of His grace as well.
We need to keep in mind that, just as Jesus used His disciples to disperse His blessings on the masses in need, Jesus still wants to use His disciples to accomplish the same thing today.
“Teaches how we can take what little faith and resources we have to Jesus and watch Him bless it and multiply it!” ⇒ Know you will never have to worry or fret about being compassionate in giving to people who need help. Never fear that you made a bad discission. It’s never wrong to be compassionate, it’s never wrong to share, it’s never wrong to give. it’s never wrong to help. It’s one thing to give, but we will never suffer in giving.
“Even today, we can bring our limited resources, finances, gifts, talents, time, and whatever else we have and offer it to Jesus and He will multiply it to be a blessing to millions of people.” ⇒ What are you doing with the gifts God has given you?…..….(To be Continued)
Additional Notes & Applications
Teaches how true compassion begins with a tugging and longing in the heart. True compassion begins with emotion, but ends with actions. (V. 32)
Teaches those who love Jesus will forsake whatever it is to be with Him, even if it means going without a meal for a few days.-(V. 32)
Teaches how we can experience amazing movements of God in our lives and still endure hardships and trials. Healings don’t take the daily problems of life away.-(V. 32)
Teaches how we can experience the amazing things God has done in the past and still doubt Him for the present.-(V. 33)
Warns if not careful we can respond just like the disciples with prejudiced in thinking the Lord doesn’t reach out to other people. No matter how different people are, no matter their race, nationality, genetics, etc. we’re to accept, love, and care for all who come to the Lord. For we are all Gentiles.-(V. 33)
Teaches no matter how unrealistic something seems in making any real difference or impact in changing the situation, never count Jesus out.-(V.33)
Displays how when we give all that we have to the Lord, good things are about to happen.-(Vs 34-36)
Teaches the importance of praying before we eat, giving thanks to God for the good things were about to receive, even more so in public-(V. 36)
Teaches are you satisfied in Christ and what the Lord provides. Or do you still hunger for more and seek to find satisfaction in the things of the world.-(V. 37)
Teaches how the Lord never sends us any place without knowing what lies ahead.-(V. 39)
Teaches how we can move forward in our healing, that God’s provisions are more than sufficient in meeting any need we may have later on down the road.-(V.39)
Teaches how we can move forward in our healing, that God’s provisions are more than sufficient in meeting any need we may have later on down the road.-(V.39)
Jesus by asking not what little they got, but what they had on hand. Teaches how sometimes, when faced with a difficult situation rather than be overwhelmed by what you don’t have, stay positive about what you do have.
Because the Greek word for “Basket” that were used for collecting leftovers actually means “Large Hamper”, the same kind used when Paul was let down from the Damascus wall in the book of Acts.-(Acts 9:25) And bigger than the one used in collecting the leftovers in the first feeding of the 5000 Jews. Some scholars believe it represents how many more Gentiles would be brought into the Kingdom as the years went by.
Many believe the food continued to multiply as Jesus gave it to the disciples. Much in the same manner as the widow woman of Zarephath whose jar of flour and jar of oil never ran out though there was little in them and she used them for a whole year (1 Kings 17:10). Or the case of the multiplied oil of the prophet’s widow when Elisha had her continue to pour oil from one container and fill up a room full of vessels. The oil multiplied even as she poured it out. Therefore it is believed the same occurred here with the food multiplying in the basket even as Jesus distributed it to His disciples.
Some scholars argue that this feeding here is simply a repetition of the same feeding of the 5000 earlier. Most reject this due to the fact that there are significant differences between these two events. To begin with there are dissimilarities’ between the two locations. The first takes place on the Westside of the Sea of Galilee in the district of Bethsaida. The other on the eastside of the lake in the region of the Decapolis. The first had five loaves and two fish, the other seven loaves and a few fish. The first were Jews. Here they are Gentiles. The first had twelves baskets of left overs. Here there are seven baskets. The first had people staying with Jesus one day. Here they were with Him for three days. The first time was during Spring where they had to sit down of the grass. Here later in the year at Summer time, where they had to sit down on the ground. The first wanted to make Jesus King by force. Here we read on no such intention. The first had Jesus talking about the bread of life and being the Manna from heaven. Here Jesus leaves that part out, which would have made no sense to the Gentiles. Not only that, but Jesus Himself, while warning the disciples to beware of the yeast of the Pharisees and Sadducees. Mentions these as “Two” distinct events, and the different numbers of baskets they took up.-(Matt. 16:3-12) Others suggests the possibility that only some of the disciples were present at the first feeding of the 5000. If that were true the others disciples would have most certainly clued them in of what had taken place earlier. Plus the fact that the twelve disciples usually always traveled together. There is however the time that Jesus took only three of His disciples, Peter, James, and John up to a mountain during the Transfiguration.-(Matt. 17:1-2) Others suggests that they were only asking in a anticipatory way, already knowing Jesus could do it. Still others suggests that the disciples did not assume Jesus would perform the same miracle as a result of the first crowds attempt to make Him king by force.-(John 6:15) Many reject this based on the fact the a Gentile crowd would not have been aware of the Jewish Messianic overtones of a King who would sit on the throne of David.
Miracle implications suggests:
Jesus the source of eternal life for all people.
Jesus’ abundant provision in satisfying the spiritual needs of all humanity.
The extension of the Messiah’s mission in bringing Salvation to the Gentiles.
The Gentiles participation in sharing in the Messianic banquet & Israel’s blessings.
God’ compassion & mercy for all peoples.
The superabundance of God’ grace through Christ. (See 1-Pet. 1:2, 2-Pet. 1:2)
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