Matthew 15:25-27..Working
15:25 The woman came and knelt before him. (Expresses worship, humility, and persistence despite her exclusion and rebuff.) “Lord, help me!” she said. 26 He replied It is not right to take the children’s (Jews) bread (Gospel) and toss it to their dogs. (292-Family pet, puppy. Jesus was not being rude or deagrotory in calling her a dog. But was using “family dog”, and not the “Wild street scavenger Dogs”, thereby leaving a open door in drawing out the women’s faith of inclusion.) 27 Yes Lord, she said (Expresses “Fair enough”, “I got it”, “I know my place”.) but even the dogs eat the crumbs (scrapes) that fall from their masters table. (Expresses her faith that just a crumb of Jesus’ power was enough to heal her daughter. Or the Gospel was for all people.)
Continued From Book
“Calls for a faith that perseveres in the grace and mercy of God regardless of the obstacles. ⇒ True Faith is believing and trusting God to deliver, even over the biggest discouragements……..(To be Continued)
“Teaches how prayers don’t need to be complicated in order to be effective. (A simple “help me” is sufficient enough!)” ⇒ Heart prayers are short prayers. Sorrows often bring about an abbreviated prayer; short, sweet, and to the point.
“Teaches rather than argue or get offended humbly submit to God, that He knows what’s best and right for us.” ⇒ Great faith submits to God’s will in all things without argument or offense……..(To be Continued)
Additional Notes & Applications
Calls for seeing that we’re truly worshipping Jesus, and not just putting on a show to get something we want. Empty rituals do not get answered by the Lord. Jesus is not here to help someone who just wants a handout or a free ride.
Calls for taking advantage of the small windows of faith and slivers of hope that Jesus leaves open for us.
Teaches rather than try to talk and work our away around the fact that we’re sinners, we need to own up to it, that what God says about us is true!
Calls for accepting the assessments of Jesus by making it our own.
Displays how we can hold Jesus to His promises by His own words. No matter how hard or difficult God’s Word is for us to swallow, it will always lead us to God.
Teaches how we’re to approach God not based on who we are, what we’ve done, what we’ve achieved, or what we deserve, but solely based on His grace, mercy, and goodness.
Calls for an assertiveness that comes not by rights or what’s due us, but completely on what Christ has done on the Cross. (cf. Rom. 3:27-30)
When Jesus says this we do not have His tone of voice or His facial expression, all we have is His words. Did He say this with a twinkle in His eye? Was there a hint of love and compassion in His voice? How ever it was said we just don’t know.
- Posted by David Costa/
- Notes/
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