Matthew 15:23-24..Working
15:23 Jesus did not answer a word. (Was not prejudice or indifference, but rather His silence was meant to encourage and draw out her faith. Or to see what His disciples would do) So his disciples came to him and urged him, “Send her away, for she keeps crying out after us. (Suggests they saw her as a nuisance by cutting in on their time. That helping her was the best way of getting rid of her. Or saw her case as a lost cause and let’s move on. Or saw her as undeserving because of her nationality and sinful life.) 24 He answered, “I was sent only to the lost sheep of Israel.” (Was not prejudice or exclusion, but priority. That as the Covenant people of God they would be offered the Gospel first then the Gentiles.) (Rom. 1:16, 2:9, 11:11)
Continued From Book
“Calls for staying faithful & persistent in prayer when God stands silent! (The Lord’s silence doesn’t always mean no!)” ⇒ Often times when we pray it feels as though God is not listening. Remember silence does not mean denial. It’s been said the opposite of love isn’t hate. The opposite of love is silence. When it comes to faith it’s never over when it’s over. Amen! Silence in prayer is not the same as God saying No, that’s a lie from the Enemy what’s you to believe. Sometimes it can feel like our prayers are hitting the ceiling and bouncing right back down to us. Maybe you thought you caught Jesus at a bad time, or He’s got more important things to do. Or maybe what your asking is too difficult, or maybe it’s impossible. But be patient, know that God is working His plan in the right time and right way even if it seems He is silence. Don’t think because you a have an ailment that the Lord hasn’t healed it yet, that the answer is no. Instead be persistent in your prayers for healing, it will come! If your dealing with a stronghold of addiction in your life. Just because you haven’t been set free yet, does not mean you should stop praying or stop seeking help from the Lord. If your praying for a lost loved one, don’t give up and don’t stop praying for them! That God will create an opportunity from them to know Him and come into a relationship with Him. Remember faith is not about giving up when we don’t receive the answer we want or exactly when want it.
“Even today, if not careful we can become just like the disciples in our lack of compassion. That we would rather not deal with difficult people, wishing they’d take their problems and issues elsewhere.” ⇒ Are you too much into your me-time to be inconvenienced by others. Are you selfless unless your favorite show is on. Are you selfless unless you have to leave your house and go somewhere. Are you good at being kind and gracious with people unless they’re standing in a check-out line in front of you, or driving next to you. Have you ever wrote somebody off because of their criminal history, jail time, or drug addiction, and think they cant’ be helped, or they deserve what they got. Has anyone brought you a impossible situation or a difficult problem and the only thing you can think of is “good luck with that”. Thay say my daughter has cancer, “Good luck with that”. My son is addicted to heroin, “good luck with that”. Or our son just came out to us, “good luck with that” ……….(To be Continued)
Additional Notes & Applications
Warns against getting so caught up in our own spiritual needs and comforts that we neglect the lost & hurting around us.
Teaches painful silence can be hard trial to endure when it comes from the Lord, but even harder when it comes from uncompassionate and self-centered believers as well.
- Posted by David Costa/
- Notes/
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