Matthew 15:10-11..Working
15:10 Jesus called the crowd to him (In order to undo the religious false teachings and influence over the people. Possibly the crowds had backed-off out of revere for the religious leaders authority.-(New) and said, “Listen and understand. (Calls for the highest attention. Think it through.) 11 What goes into a man’s mouth does not make him ‘unclean’, (Render him sinful, immoral, corrupt, unholy, profane) but what comes out of his mouth, (lies, gossip, anger, filthy language) that is what makes him ‘unclean’.” (Renders him sinful, immoral, corrupt, unholy, ungodly)
Extended Sermon Notes
“Teaches any revelation Jesus shares with us is entirely an act of grace. (The Lord is under no obligation to reveal anything to anyone.) ⇒ That fact the we have a bible in our language is a prefund act of grace and love by God. That we often take it for granted.
“Even today, we don’t need more prayer, church, religion or hand washing. What we need is more of our hearts washed and cleansed by the blood of Jesus Christ!” ⇒ We can’t avoid or shelter ourselves from sinful things. There’s no religious practice or tradition that will change our sinful hearts or get rid of our sinful nature.. You can go to church your whole life, read the bible every day, pray faithfully, etc. but it won’t get rid of sin. Only Jesus can do that! It’s not how perfectly you live out your faith. But when you screw up and find yourself sinning you run back to Jesus. Apart from a relationship with Jesus, we will never be able to make progress in purifying our hearts. It is only through Christ that such change becomes possible. Everything starts with a relationship with Christ. If you are in Christ, He will help you do the work of heart-change. It is not an easy task. Much of the evil inside of us are things no one will ever know about unless we tell them. As such, it’s easy for us to pretend that these things don’t exist, or that they don’t matter. And after a person has trusted in Jesus, I think that’s the next step in the process.
“Jesus isn’t saying don’t get so hung up about some sin, that it’s only what’s inside the heart that counts. But rather He’s refining where real sin and defilement comes from.”⇒ Jesus isn’t dispensing with the category of defilement. Jesus isn’t letting us off the hook. Jesus isn’t saying little sins don’t matter to God. Jesus isn’t saying don’t see yourself as a sinner. What He is doing is helping to refine whare real defilement comes from. So we can’t say thank you Jesus you don’t want people to feel bad or guilty anymore.
- Posted by David Costa/
- Notes/
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