Matthew 12:8…………Working
12:8 For the Son of Man (Expresses a Messianic title signifying the Messiah’s human and divine nature.-(Dan. 7:13) See website) is Lord of the Sabbath.”(Since Jesus created the Sabbath He has authority in how the Sabbath should be observed.)
Extended Sermon Notes
“Calls for staying accountable to Jesus and not other people’s religious practices, observances, or beliefs.” ⇒ For some of us this is where it will become very difficult. Because religious people are proud, self-confident, and absolutely assured that they’re ways are right. That we start to think. I don’t know, maybe they’re right? They seem so convinced that they become convincing. And before we know it were picking of they’re religious observances and practices.
“Even today, were not to allow others to assume God’s place in how were to live, serve, and worship. (Will you pattern your life off of Jesus’ example, not other peoples opinions & beliefs)” ⇒………(To be Continued)
“Jesus is not abolishing the Sabbath, but rather is redefining it. That He is our ultimate “Sabbath rest”! Observing the Sabbath is a good thing, but it is not required for Jesus-followers.” ⇒ There is nowhere in the New Testament that says that Sunday is now the Sabbath day, instead of Saturday. Sunday is the Lord’s Day and the day when most Christians met for worship in the early church. There is no evidence that the early church observed the Sabbath on Sunday. Christ has set us free from the Old Testament laws, including the strict requirements of observing the Sabbath on Saturday, or any other day. Rest is still a gift from God and should be desired and practiced, but ultimately our rest is found in Jesus.Christians may disagree about how the old covenant principle of one day in seven should be observed today. What we must not disagree on under any circumstance is that the ultimate and deepest fulfillment is in the rest we have in Jesus Christ. We must come to him who is the Lord of the Sabbath and find our rest in him or all else is counterfeit Christianity.
More Notes & Applications
Teaches how the real issue is not about religious observances, but a proper understanding of Jesus.
Calls for stopping all the religious doing to just resting in Jesus.
Teaches how Jesus is to have an active role and say in how we worships and practice our religion not other people.
Teaches It’s not about how we worship, but who we worship. We get so wrapped in the what and how, we forget the why. The value of the “Why” helps us with the “What” and the “How”. Knowing the mercy and grace of God will be less legalistic and less dependant on externals. That’s it’s not anything on the outside in what we do that makes God love us more.
Invites believers in finding in Jesus a place of genuine renewal and rest from a bunch of silly rules and regulations. Will you operate from a place of assurance in knowing who God is and how much He loves you. Will you operate from a place that cuts all the religious hoop-jumping and noise, and just rest in the mercy and forgiveness of God?
It’s not about religion or rules its about a Savior. It’s not about you pulling yourself up by your own bootlaces, you cannot do that! That’s why the law is useless, the law is only showing you your need of a Savior, and Jesus comes into this world to be your Savior. He bleeds, He dies, He suffers, He takes the wrath of God for all that you’ve ever done in truly breaking God’s laws, the Ten Commandments. He pays the penalty for it all, and then He rises again so that you might have life – that’s what it’s all about! It’s not about dotting the i’s, it’s not about crossing the t’s, it’s not about the name on the building that you go into, or what boxes you tick on some basis of belief – it’s not about that! It’s not about how you ‘do church’ – and I don’t like that expression, but a lot of people talk about how we ‘do church’. We are the church if we are born again, and that’s the great issue: do you recognize Him as Lord of the Sabbath, Lord of everything, Lord of your life? For if you will confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus Christ, and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you shall be saved. What rest comes when you enter into this!
Jesus is bringing the eternal seventh-day rest into reality
- Jesus is the final judge of what it means to keep the Sabbath
The Sabbath is for restoration and nurturing, not hardship
- Posted by David Costa/
- Notes/
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