Matthew 12:35……….Working
12:35 The good man (Born-again regenerated believer) brings good things (comfort, hope, encouragement, praise) out of the good stored up in him (Hearts treasures) and the evil man (unregenerated, corrupt) brings evil things (anger, hate, slander, lies, gossip) out of the evil stored up in him. (Expresses how men can only promote what they are in heart and character.)
Continued From Book
“Calls for watching what were feeding our hearts and minds with. As the saying goes “garbage in, garbage out”. ⇒ What is coming out can be controlled by what is put in the heart. Fill your heart with the things of this world and all that will come out are the dead things and ways of this world. Fill your heart with God’s Word and His Holy Spirit and life will flow out of it.
Additional Notes & Applications
Teaches those who have truly experienced God’ mercy and goodness in their lives cant help but be loving and kind to others.
Calls for vigilance, that we’re guarding any words, actions, and anything else that can bring dishonor & reproach upon Christ(James 1:26)
How to Stores Up Good Things in the Heart
Spend daily time reading and meditating on God’s Word.
Give compliments instead of complaints
Say kind things instead of unkind things
Guard your heart from bad influences
Walk away from arguments, gossip, dirty jokes.
Speak words that are uplifting and encouraging.
Think about things that are true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent, or praiseworthy
- Posted by David Costa/
- Notes/
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