Matthew 12:28……….Working
12:28 But if (since, seeing that) I drive out demons by the Spirit of God (Power, finger of God-{Luke 11:20}) then the kingdom of God (i.e. God’s redemptive rule and Saving reign) has (present tense) come upon you. (Not that it has come in its final form, but its presence has begun in our midst through rescuing work of God on our hearts, to be fully fulfilled in the resurrection.)
Continued From the Book
“Warns against hardening ones heart to the clear and undeniable workings of Christ.” ⇒ Remember the story in the book of Exodus about Moses going before Pharaoh and demanding that he let his people go. Then performing ten miraculous plagues to confirm that His message was legitimate. In which Pharaoh’s magicians tried to reproduce the same miracles but failed. Realizing they’re power was no match to Moses’ power they said; “This could only be by the finger of God”. To which Pharaoh, with all this clear and confirmed evidence in front of him only hardens his heart against God. And the cycle is repeated again and again until judgment comes upon Pharaoh and his first born son dies as a result of his refusal to open up his eyes to what was crystal clear to everyone else in the story. We have to ask ourselves what was wrong with Pharaoh? What was he thinking, why wouldn’t he respond to these miracles? He may have been able to explain away a couple of them to other causes. But to continue to harden his heart and not yield to it is to completely dismiss everything his eyes was seeing. God was clearly at work, And God was saying through Moses that Pharaoh should let His people go. But Pharaoh just kept rejecting Him. We think what a fool Pharaoh had to be to deny these clear and undeniable miracles. If not careful we can become a lot like Pharaoh in hardening our hearts against the finger of God by coming up with illogical explanations and excuses after excuses to explain away what is obvious the work of God.
Additional Notes & Applications
Teaches how Jesus can take things and boiled it down to us in plain and simple terms we can understand.
Teaches the importance of keeping our spiritual eyes open or we can fail to see spiritual truths.
Teaches how Christ has already won the victory for us, all we need to do is to speak it into our lives.
Warns those who resist and oppose spiritual truths puts them in a bad spiritual condition.
Calls for trusting in God’s sovereignty and reign even when life seems unfair and the whole world is against you.
- Posted by David Costa/
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