Matthew 12:14………..Working
12:14 But the Pharisees went out (Instead of giving thanks and rejoicing they were blinded by their prejudices.) and plotted (Conspired, schemed. Along with the Herodians-Mark 3:6 See website) how they might kill Jesus. (Having been publicly humiliated and embarrassed by Jesus they wanted Him dead.)
Extended Sermon Notes
“Even today, those who fear their power and authority is being threatened will to everything to stop it. Those who want to hang onto their own rule and ways will do everything to get rid of Jesus, rather than admit they may be flawed.” ⇒ Rather than acknowledging and submitting to Christ as Lord, many will argue “I just don’t see enough evidence.” “I’ve study and study the bible and I just don’t believe Jesus is the Christ.” When in truth their real reason for rejecting Christ is not a lack of evidence, but their refusal to relinquish sovereign control over their lives to God. Most want to be in charge and run things their way and that makes Christ really unappealing to a lot of people. Because it means their going to have change some things in their lives.There’s going to be some transformation in their lives that’s not going to be fun, popular, or comfortable.
Additional Notes & Applications
Calls for staying true to God even if people will hate us for it.
Teaches how those who have their pride and hypocrisy put in check will always respond with hatred and malice.
Teaches rather than become envious and jealous when people get their breakthroughs we should be saying Praise the Lord………..(To be continued)
Teaches rather than become prideful we should humble ourselves in being reeducated in bringing our lives more into accordance with God’s Word.
Teaches how people are often critical of others when it shows them up for what their lacking and not producing.
Teaches those who are prejudice, nothing you say or do would be right in their eyes
Displays the prideful nature of men in their desire to destroy those things that oppose their teachings and greedy interests.
- Posted by David Costa/
- Notes/
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