Matthew 11:7-9………Working
11:7 As John’s disciples were leaving, (to report back to John) Jesus began to speak to the crowd about John: (Jesus wants to reassure the people who might become critical of John because of His doubt.) What did you go out into the desert to see, (Why did you make the rigorous journey into the desert, was it to see a man or a prophet?) A reed swayed by the wind? (A flimsy marsh grass blowing back and forth in the wind. One who is swayed by popular opinion and blown by the cultural winds. One who tickles people’s ears in what they want to hear John was the exact opposite He was bold and uncompromising in telling it like it is.) 8 If not, what did you go out to see a man dressed in fine clothes?– (One who is all about luxury, comfort and ease. A yes man. One who plays to the crowd.) No, those who wear fine clothes are in kings’ palaces. (John was the complete opposite he lived in the desert and wore camels hair and ate locusts.) 9 Then what did you go out to see? A prophet? Yes, I tell you, and more than a prophet.(John was more than a prophet because he would prepare the way for the Messiah’s arrival. Or it was the O.T. Prophets that prophesied his own birth.-{Mal. 3:1, 4:5-6})
Continued From Book
“Calls for seeing that we’re not playing to the crowd in order to win friends and influence.” ⇒ John could have easily played the crowds and gained the favor of everyone including the Scribes and Pharisees if he would have compromised his message here and there. We certainly have enough preachers in our time that have given themselves over to tickling the ears of people in order to gain a large audience. John spoke the truth with conviction. He called the people to repent and bring forth fruit in keeping with repentance. He rebuked the Scribes and Pharisees for their religious hypocrisy and called on them to repent as well. We spend too much time trying cuttle people rather than calling them out on their sins. We spend too much time trying to entertain God’s people instead of educating them.
“Teaches how a momentary weakness of faith does not define a person or make up they’re whole character.” ⇒ We shouldn’t judge a persons character on one mistake, one moment of weakness, or one singular falter that they have. We shouldn’t judge a person on a day when they’re faith is a little bit weaker than usual. We all slip now and again and have off days …….(To be Continued)
Additional Notes & Applications
Teaches rather than seek popularity and the approval of men stay true to Jesus.
Teaches what other people think or say about us doesn’t matter, the only thing that matters is what God says.
Calls for standing on our convictions even it means being unpopular or being labeled intolerant, narrow-minded, and bigoted.
The term “fine/Soft clothing” in this passage has been understood by some as referring to the common homosexual practices of the day. They draw this conclusion from such passages as in Proverbs 7:10 where it says, “…the attire of an harlot.” Point being—different types of people dress differently and clothing certainly identifies us with a lifestyle.
- Posted by David Costa/
- Notes/
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