Matthew 11:12……….Working
11:12 From the days of John the Baptist (John’s ministry) until now, present time, Jesus speaking) the kingdom of heaven (Gospel message/Salvation) has been forcefully advancing (971-To force, crowd, press into. suffereth violence-K.J.V. A.V.) and the forceful (726-Determined, earnest, eager. Tenacious) men lay hold of it. (Press into it-(Luke 16:16b) Expresses not physical violence, but a spiritual battle of the soul in being bold and determined in pressing forward in one’s Salvation.)
Continued From Book
“Teaches how we’re to be bold & determined in not allowing nothing to steal our faith and Salvation.” ⇒………(To be Continued)
“Calls for staying passionate and proactive in the things of God, church, prayer, bible reading, worship, etc ⇒. Staying motivated and driven in the things of God is going to require strength of will, increasing affections, and a resolve of action. ……….(To be Continued)
“Warns how a passive and complacent Christianity won’t cut it. (You can’t just slide and skate your way into the Kingdom.”) ⇒ The Christian life is not a stroll in the park. We don’t get to bask in the Saving work Jesus has achieved for us and say oh how wonderful we have a free ticked to heaven, free eternal life, smooth sailing ahead. We can just coast our way into glory. It’s not for the apathetic. It’s not for the indifferent. It’s not for those who want the easiest and most comfortable path possible. We can’t sit passively by just waiting on God to spoon-feed us. We have to be actively engaged in our faith, not only defensively but offensively as well. If not careful we can start to rest of our laurels or our own righteousness. Or we can start to become callous, slowly compromising our walk for other things, no longer going to Church or reading the word.
“Even today, we need a holy violence that is continually throwing off sin, Satan, doubt, fear, complacency, the flesh and anything else that’s trying to pull us away from God.” ⇒ If were going to take the Kingdom of Heaven by force we need to crucify our flesh. We all have some stuff that we know has to go. If were going to take the Kingdom of heaven by force we need to put off pride. How often do we say no one’s going to tell me what to do or how things should be. If we’re going to take the Kingdom of heaven by force will need to fight off the world around us. A world that says it’s all about prosperity and wealth. A world that says you have to find your own identity and make your own future. If we’re going to take the Kingdom of heaven by force we need to get over the fear of being rejected, shunned, and ridiculed. We need to get over the fear of being ostracized and disowned by family and friends. If we’re going to take the Kingdom of heaven by force we need to strive against the lies of the world that says all religions are the same. That there are many ways to God. You just need to find the path that’s right for you. That if you just do right and live your best God will accept you. If were going to take the kingdom of heaven by force we need to be actively engaged in church, prayer, bible study, fellowship, etc. If were going to take the Kingdom of heaven by force we need to step out on faith, trusting that God has our backs and best interest at heart. Wil you trust God for what He wants to do in and through your life. If were going to take the Kingdom of heaven by force we may need to forgive somebody or force ourselves to get a handle on our anger and rage.
Additional Notes & Applications
Calls for perseverance and determination, that there’s going to be things that will fight us every step of the way. There’s going to be forces pushing the other way, the devil, the world, the flesh.
Calls for strenuously fighting and contending for the things of God and not a “If it happens it happens and if it doesn’t’ it doesn’t.”
Teaches if were to see breakthroughs we need to stay energetically and passionately involved in the things of God.
Calls for getting past our failures and mistakes and pressing into God’s grace and acceptance.
Calls for a faith that refuses to accept our current condition as the end of the story, that God can change us, that He has a greater purpose for our lives.
Calls for a tenacity of faith that is laying claim to the blessings and promises of God.
Displays the great pains, lengths, and self-denial we’re to go in in securing eternal life.
This is not saying that you have to work or earn your way into heaven, Salvation is a free gift through faith. But rather it’s about securing our Salvation and eternal life by taking up our cross in putting off sin and anything else that’s not of God. As someone once said “The entrance fee to the Kingdom of heaven is free, but the yearly subscription is everything”.
In Greek, “forcefully advancing” can be taken as active or passive. In the passive sense, it refers to “suffering violent attacks.” This means that violent people were attacking the kingdom. This is certainly true. However, in the active sense, it would mean that people were actively advancing the kingdom of God. The idea here is that the Church has been in a war throughout the centuries. Opposing forces have sought to destroy the Church, or at least to limit the advancement of the message of the gospel. Forcefully advancing the kingdom of heaven has everything to do with our with spiritual authority, influence, and capacity. Or, you may combine these types. Some view this in both semses, that the kingdom is advancing (in a good sense), but there is opposition to it (in the bad sense).
Stay in the truth of God’s Word
Stay reading and meditating on the Word of God
Stay diligent in following and servicing God
Stay abiding in God’s mercy & grace
Stay confessing, repenting, and putting off sin
Stay focused on heaven and eternity
Stay recognizing all that Christ has done and suffered for us
Stay motivated by the blessings and promises of God
- Posted by David Costa/
- Notes/
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