Matthew 11:11……….Working
11:11 I tell you the truth (Calls for serious and close attention) Among those born of women (all who ever lived) there has not risen anyone greater than John the Baptist; (Having been commissioned in preparing the way for the Lord.) yet he who is least (least-Christian, New-convert) in the kingdom of heaven (Gospel dispensation, New Covenant) is greater than he. (not in character, but position. Believers are greater because John only announced the Kingdom, whereas we possess it in the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.)
Continued From Book
“Calls for greater humility, gratitude, and dedication in serving the Lord, having been given such a blessing.” ⇒ If John the Baptist was so faithful in that which was less. How much more are we to be faithful and diligent in that which is more!
“Teaches how God doesn’t measure us by our latest mistakes and failures, He measures us by our faith in His Son Jesus.” ⇒,,,,,,,,,,,(To be Continues)
“Teaches greatness comes not by our success or accomplishments, but by our connection and service to Christ.” ⇒ The way to true greatness is not by asserting yourself, exalting yourself, focusing on yourself. The way to greatness is by humbling yourself and dying to yourself, denying yourself and exalting Jesus. …………(To be Continued(
Additional Notes & Applications
Jesus is not saying that John the Baptist and all those before him will be excluded from heaven. But rather John belonged to the old covenant dispensation of Law which is now superseded by the new and greater Covenant of Grace.
This does not mean that John the Baptist wasn’t going to heaven. Because he was still living under the Old Covenant. He was not there yet while the Old Covenant was still in place.
John the Baptist looked ahead to the cross. We look back from this side of the cross.
John the Baptist pointed to the Kingdom of God. We live in the Kingdom of God.
John the Baptist lived under the Law. We live under grace.
John the Baptist had the law of God written on scripture. We have the law of God written on our hearts.
John the Baptist had the Old Testament only. We have both the Old Testament & New Testament.
John the Baptist had the anointed of the Holy Spirit. We have the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.
John the Baptist was called the Friend of Christ. We are called the Bride of Christ.
John the Baptist had to go to the Temple. We are the Temple of the Holy Spirit.
- Posted by David Costa/
- Notes/
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