Matthew 10:9-10……Working
9 Do not take (acquire) along any gold or silver or copper (Money) in your belts; (purses-K.J.V. i.e. money-belt, wallets, etc. They were to go depending on God.) 10 take (obtain) no bag (scrip-K.J.V. knapsack.) for the journey, (Suggests no fundraising will be necessary.) or extra tunic, (Coat) or sandals (extra) or a staff (Walking stick. Suggests was meant to keep the disciples from being hindered in their travels, or the mission would be short. Or to send a clear signal there will be no financial gain in ministry.) for the worker (Disciple) is worth his keep.(meat-K.J.V. i.e. Food, lodging, etc. That Missionaries would be supported with room and board.)
Continued From Book
“Teaches how were to trust & depend on God in ministry through the support & generosity of others.” ⇒ Expect God to put people in your path that will help support you. There is never a valid excuse not to obey and serve God because a lack of resources. Or because of the lack of means or opportunity. The greatest plague and hinderance in ministry is when we wait for the favorable conditions or set precondition on God. God if you do this for me than I will serve you.
“Jesus is not anti-planning. That we’re not to provide or have strategy plan. But rather were not to be self-reliant or self-sufficient.” ⇒ Later in Luke’s Gospel we find Jesus advising them of the exact opposite saying; “But now anyone who has a money belt, bag, or staff is to take one. Anyone who has no sword is to sale his coat and buy one. (Luke 22) Therefore the principal to be applied here is that God wants us to be dependent on Him for our provision, not solely on our self. That were to travel light and not be bogged down with the daily necessities of life. We often think we are dependent on our own resources. Our own money, our own wisdom, our own plans, our own education. We know that it is God who does the work. But in reality we slip into a mode of living where it’s actually up to us. Like we are the one’s who have to convert people. We are the one’s who have to make our ministry successful.
Additional Notes & Applications
- Posted by David Costa/
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