Matthew 10:39………Working
Whoever finds (Saves-{Matt. 16:25}, keeps-{cf. Luke 17:33}, loves-{John 12:25} Preserves, keeps safe, defends) his life (Expresses one who tries to save his temporal life or his comfort and security here.) will lose it, (True life or eternal life.) and whoever loses (surrenders) his life (Self interests, pleasures, comforts.) for my sake (i.e. For the purpose and interests in serving Jesus and the Gospel.-{Mark 8:35} Or out of consideration for who Jesus is and all He’s done in Saving us from our sins.) will find it. (i.e. Fullness of life, meaning, and purpose. Or eternal life to come.)
Continued From Book
Teaches you can live life on your terms & ways and end up in hell, or you can live life on God’s terms and end up in heaven. ⇔ The first part of God’s terms is to humble yourself and admit your a sinner who needs to repent and accept Jesus as your Lord & Savior. And second will you give yourself to the will of God. Whatever He wants with your life and has called you to do, is no matter hard it may be.
Teaches rather than retain control over our lives thinking “We know best”. Will you turn it over to God and what He says is best. ⇒ Seeking to save your life means: Trying to keep control, that your the number one Boss. Always trying to protect, fortify, and control everything you can. Insuring against any and every eventuality. Particularly things out of your control- so they come UNDER your control. Avoiding all cost, suffering, discomfort, life events., even death.
Teaches if we will lose our lives in pursuing the Jesus’ path, we will discover a life of purpose, meaning, and fulfillment. ⇒ Pursuing Jesus’ path will lead you to the abundant life that He promised. That should be something that gets our attention. Do we want to make sure we don’t waste our life? Do we want to be abundantly fruitful in our lives? Do we want to make sure we honor God with our lives?
Warns against seeking ones own comfort and security than have to endure pain, loneliness, and loss. Many Christians live their lives under the policy of “safety first.” There is no such policy in the Word of God. The Christian is to live by faith, courage, and risk for the advancement of Christ in His world. The Christian life offers risk and danger, not comfort. Those who seek comfort and security above all cannot live the life God designed for them.
Teaches instead of retaining control over our lives in thinking, “It is my life, I will do with it as I please”. Will you turn it over to God and what He says is best. ⇒ Sometimes we need to give up what we want so we can have what our Heavenly Father knows we need most.
Additional Notes & Applications
Warns those who selfishly live for his or herself, “will lose” the fullness of life, both now and in eternity. This loss may include a sense of purpose, meaningful relationships, and our connection with God. On the other hand, those who reject the selfish values of the world and embrace a life of selflessness and service will keep their lives, both in terms of experiencing a deeper sense of purpose and fulfillment in the present and securing eternal life in the future.
The world tells you “Winning is everything” , “Look out for #1″, that you have to make the most out of your life. The world tells us that we are masters of our own destiny. That ” Life is what you make it”. Isn’t that why we get an education, get a career, get a spouse, get a house, get a health plan, get whatever you got, to at least stay alive and enhance your living? We live in a “self-help,” “self-realization” world. Just take a good look around you, people everywhere are getting caught up with all kinds of self preservation techniques. We search for anti aging drugs, weight lose formulas, get rich schemes. We spend our efforts pursuing health, wealth, beauty, power and fame all to increase our comfort in this life. And in “our own” struggle to achieve this, many times have only come away discouraged and disappointment.
This is not saying that your Saved by giving up things for Christ. It isn’t the act of losing something that Saves you! No! You don’t get Saved by losing things for Christ! That would be Salvation by works! It is willingness to lose the comfort and security in trusting in self instead of trusting in Jesus. You must believe on Christ. Instead of trusting yourself, you must trust Christ. When you come to the place of saying, within yourself, “I will trust in Christ no matter what people think,” I will trust in Christ even it something you feel is “good”. I will trust in Christ even if goes against everything I believe and I was taught.
The way Jesus is calling us to live can be hard. We naturally pursue our own self interest. Which is easier and more comfortable than denying ourselves. It’s hard to trust that losing out in this world will be worth it, when
compared with eternity. Eternity is abstract, feels a long way away, and unknown. Its hard because we’re not sure if Jesus can really be trusted. There’s security in pursuing our own interests. There’s vulnerability in not putting our own interests first. It’s hard because you’re not quite convinced giving up pursuing our own self-interest in this world will be worth it. But know this, if Jesus was willing to die for us, then that’s the ultimate example of Him looking after our interests. It may be hard at times in putting Jesus first, but know in your head and in your heart that your not missing out anything. Life is not about what you have and don’t have. It’s about your attitude. And your not missing out if your convinced that Jesus has your best interests at heart in whatever happens (or doesn’t happen) to you.
Ways We Lose Our Lives for Christ….
By giving our heart & life over to Jesus
By Sacrificing our time, our, money, ourselves
By Submitting and Obeying Jesus
By giving to Christ and His Kingdom work
By giving ourselves to the service and work of Christ
By giving Christ first place in our lives
By changing our actions and behavior
By persevering through troubles and hardships
By risking it all for Jesus’ sake
By dying daily to pride, self-righteousness
- Posted by David Costa/
- Notes/
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