Matthew 10:32-33……Working
Whoever acknowledges me (confess-K.J.V. i.e. To share ones faith and love for Jesus.) before men (Publicly) I will also acknowledge him before my Father in heaven (Owning as one of His own on the Last Day when we stand before Him at the Judgment.) 33 But whoever disowns me before men, (i.e. To deny Jesus in word, action, and behavior. Ashamed of me and my words.-{Mark 8:39}) I will disown him (be ashamed.) before my Father in heaven. (Not as unsaved, but more of our service to Him as poor and weak. Or denying them a place of honor in reigning alongside Him in His Kingdom.)
Continued From Book
“Teaches those who love Jesus will not be ashamed to share they’re faith and let people know it.” ⇒ There’s no such thing as secret discipleship. If you are truly following Christ you will want to talk about HIm to others. You will want to share with others what Jesus has done in your own life, and how they can have a relationship with Jesus to. (A inward possession, will bring a outward confession.)
Even today, we may never deny Jesus verbally. But we can deny Jesus in other ways. We can deny Jesus by our words and actions (or inactions). We can deny Jesus by our Silence when we’re slow to admit our faith, to speak out against evil, or to take some stand. We can deny Jesus when we put other peoples approvals as more important than the Lord’s approval. We can deny Jesus when we go along with the crowd. ⇔ Have you ever found yourself having more respect for other peoples opinions than you do for the Lord Jesus and His teachings? Have you publicly denied Jesus by agreeing with statements or teachings which minimize His atoning work of the cross by purporting many ways to God or heaven? Have you just blended in with those who clearly don’t have any time for Jesus or the church or with a society that lives and conducts business as if there was no God? To what extent have you merged with the values and morals of the world so that being a Christian makes no difference what so ever? To what extent have you shrunk back from the whole idea that being a Christian will often bring us into a state of tension with the rest of the world?
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- Posted by David Costa/
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