Matthew 10:28……….Working
10:28 Do not be afraid (Cowardly, fearful, paralyzed, hesitant, timid) of those who kill the body (physical life) but cannot kill the soul. Rather be afraid (Revere, holy awe) of the One (God) who can destroy both soul and body in hell.
Continued From Book
“Teaches how keeping a healthy reverence for God will outweigh our natural instinct for self-preservation.” ⇒ If we truly understand the holiness and supremacy of God, we wouldn’t care about what people may think of us or do to us. It shouldn’t even cross our minds. We should fear more of not telling others about Jesus Christ. Keeping the holiness of God in mind will help us stay on mission.
“Even today, people may kill us physically. But that’s all they can do. They cannot steal your faith. They cannot kill your soul, your eternal destiny, or your going to heaven.” ⇒ A believing regard to the crown of glory has been in all ages the cordial and support of suffering saints.
Additional Notes & Applications
This verse has caused a lot of believers to be insecure about their Father’s love. It has led to confusion and anxiety in thinking; I know God loves me on account of Jesus, but I still need to perform lest he destroy me in Hell. But this is not what Jesus is saying at all. We don’t have to be terrified of the Lord. But what we do need is a vibrant reverent fear of violating God’s holiness.
The divine destruction that Jesus is talking about here doesn’t mean complete annihilation. It does not mean you will cease to exist. Because that will actually provide relief for people, putting them out of their misery and no motivation to fear and stay true to God. Therefore it is talking about the eternal ruin and state of the soul for the unbeliever in hell who do not know Christ.
This is not saying that believers are to be scared and petrified of God. Like He’s some mean teacher or angry boss whom we better keep happy if we know what’s good for us. But rather we are to stand in awe of God and His truth.
This here is clear evidence that the soul does not (as some would have you believe) fall asleep at death. Nor is deprived of thought, feeling, perception, or emotion.
- Posted by David Costa/
- Notes/
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