Matthew 10:23……….Working
10:23 When (Not if, but when) you are persecuted (1377-harass, mistreat. i.e. Hated and opposed for preaching the Gospel) in one place,(City, home, job) flee (take flight, escape) to another. I tell you the truth, (verily-K.J.V. Expresses a strong confirmation/reliability) you will not finish going through the cities of Israel before the Son of Man (Expresses a Messianic title signifying the Messiah’s human origins.) comes.
Continued From Book
“Teaches how believers are allowed to flee from persecution, but not from service.” ⇒ It is not a shameful thing for Christ’s ministers to quit their ground, provided they do not quit their mission. Though we may go out of the way of danger, we must not go out of the way of duty.
“Teaches how avoiding persecution is as simple as moving and changing locations.” ⇒ Sometimes it could be as simple as changing meeting locations from a group that is drawing lots of opposition. Or it could include physically moving out of a house where family members or roommates persecute you continually. In some cases it includes moving to a new city, a new job, or perhaps a new country to escape persecution. (Note: In deciding when to move a believer should evaluate it if it is only a select group of people or one individual persecuting them or if that persecution is representative of the prevailing attitude of that place.)
“Comforts Christ’s laborer’s, that their work will be short, and soon over. (Troubles may last long, but not forever.)” ⇒ A believing prospect to a ending period of our troubles, will be of great use to support us under them. Troubles ares easier endoured and tolerating knowing their not going to last for ever.
- Posted by David Costa/
- Notes/
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