Matthew 10:17-18……Working
10:17 “Be on your guard (Stand guard, alert, beware-K.J.V. Not to avoid, but be prepared) against men; (Same profession, nature, denomination) they will hand you over (deliver up-K.J.V.-1325-Surrender, yield up, betray.) to the local councils (Local courts) and flog you (whip-L.B.V. See website) in their synagogues. (Jewish places of worship. Today Church’s. Mosques. Lit. Fulfilled in the life of the Apostles and Paul.-{cf. Acts 5:40, 2-Corn. 11:23-24} ) 18 On my account (Christian profession.) you will be brought before governors (State governors, Lit.-Fulfilled as with Paul before Gallio-{Acts 18:12-14}, Felix-{Acts 24:1-2}, and Festus.-{Acts 25:1-5}) and kings (Federal Supreme court. Lit.-Fulfilled in the lives of James & Peter before Herod-{Acts 12:1-6}, and Paul before Agrippa and Caesar.-{Acts 25:12}) as witnesses to them (Not for the purpose of denunciation, but as a platform and opportunity to preach the Gospel to them.) and to the Gentiles. (Non-Jews. Roman authorities)
Continued From Book
“Teaches how persecutions will make our testimony more public. The troubles we undergo can testify to them, and against them.” ⇒ God’s ministers, are his witnesses, not only in their doing work, but in their suffering in work. Many can be encourage as they see us stand up under the fiery trials of life.
“Calls for seeing persecutions as a platform and opportunity to bear witness for Christ. (Bad press can be good press.)” ⇒ We can be a testimony and witness to our captors. Even guards, soldiers, leaders, judges, jury, etc. are all people who are sinners and need Christ. A prisoner has a very captive audience! Peter and John make use of this opportunity in Acts 4-5 to preach to those who were judging them. Paul does the same thing multiple times. Acts 28:30-31, Philippians 4:22. Even people within Caesar’s own household were saved likely because of Paul’s preaching. A police officer or judge could be that person who will receive the Gospel message!
- Posted by David Costa/
- Notes/
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