Matthew 10:1……….Working
10:1 He called (Commissioned, summoned into service) his twelve disciples (3101-students, learners, pupils. Twelve were chosen as symbolic of the Twelve Tribes of Israel.) to him and gave them authority (831-Power to act. Strength, ability, gifts) to drive out (Exorcism) evil spirits and to heal every disease and sickness.
Continued From Book
“Teaches Jesus who calls also equips to carry out His purpose and work. (He makes no mistakes, He will equip you.)” ⇒ Jesus doesn’t delegate the work without also delegating the power and authority to do that work.
“Teaches how we’re called to be the hands and feet of the Lord, joining in His work in reaching out to others” ⇒ Jesus could have chosen a thousand different ways to get His work done on the earth. He could have used angels. He could have done it Himself. He could have created a special race of people to do it. But He choose us!
“Teaches how Christ’s calling is not earned or deserved, but purely a act of His grace.” ⇒ It was not as if Jesus went on the free agent market to get the best players and negotiated with them to sign a long term contract. This calling was God’s grace, so the disciples should be thankful. Sometimes we may feel unworthy due to our failures and repeated sins. We may think, “Maybe God made a mistake calling me?” and want to give up our calling. But God calls people by His sovereign choice, and God does not make mistakes or revoke His calling. (Cf. Rom. 11:29)
- Posted by David Costa/
- Notes/
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