Matthew 5:3……….Working
Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Continued from Book
Approved are believers who acknowledge their spiritual poverty and bankruptcy before God. ⇔ Why does being poor in spirit lead to a blessed life? Because that’s how you begin a relationship with God. You have to recognize that you are wrecked by sin, you need to be forgiven, and that only way to find forgiveness and be made whole is through a relationship with God through faith in Jesus and a life lived in submission to Him. This is the life you were created for, this is life to the full, so once you come to this realization and connect to your Creator, your life begins to make sense and you will have a sense of peace that you’ve never experienced before.
More Notes & Applications
Teaches how you cannot self-help yourself into a relationship with the God of the universe; you have to have poverty of spirit. You can’t say, “I’ll clean my life up”; you have to say, “My problems are beyond me.” You can’t say, “I’m suffering. I’m having a bad patch. I need a little boost”; you have to say, “I’m not coming to you O Lord because I need a boost, I’m coming to you O Lord because I owe you everything and I owe you more than I can pay. I’m poor in spirit. I’m spiritually bankrupt. My problems are beyond me, and they’re spiritual problems.” Are you there? That’s the first step
Being “Poor in spirit” is literally giving up. It is telling God that we are not big enough to deal with our problems, and He must take over.
Even today we live in this self-help culture that says, “Believe in yourself”, “Love yourself”, and “actualize your potential.” If you and I needed to get our act together, get our life together, take a quick life course.
Note: Jesus is saying, if you really want to reach a place of privilege, you have to start like this. A lot of people approach Christianity likes it’s a self-help thing. People hit bad patch in life and say, “I’ve hit a bad patch now. I better clean up my life a little. I’ll go to church. I’ll stop this or that. If I need to, I’ll talk to pastor or someone else some. And then God’s power will show up in my life!”
Note: Poverty of spirit doesn’t mean a person lacks smarts. It doesn’t mean a person is missing passion or even that their character has some flaw in it. To be poor in spirit is much deeper, much broader than that. Being poor in spirit is simply becoming aware about the realities of your life. Most people understand how bad things are in the world. Some people don’t. For a lot of people, the greatest sadness they experience in life is over circumstances. There certainly is plenty of that. Job loss, relational conflict, and even death. We all experience that stuff because of sin in the world. In other words, our first instinct is to say…, If I were to ask most of you, what are your biggest problems, Most people say it’s my financial problems, relationships problems, or its my health problems. The real problem … Poor in spirit means acknowledging your deepest life problems are beyond yourself. You don’t have the resources to handle them. To mourn means to acknowledge that those deepest life problems are actually your spiritual problems. Your sin problems.
- Posted by David Costa/
- Notes, Uncategorized/
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