Matthew 4:22…….Ready
and immediately they left the boat and their father and followed him.
Continued From Book
Teaches how discipleship requires an immediate response in obedience and faith. Will you follow Jesus no matter the cost or where it leads you!
Teaches how following Jesus takes priority over all other commitments, including family, occupations, etc. (Don’t be restrained by ties of family, career, or profession).
Even today whatever calling God has put on our lives must come first, even if it means leaving family & friends to serve Him overseas, or changing jobs, careers, and vocations in midlife. Or simply being bold in witnessing the Gospel as we go about the daily routines of life.
Becoming a disciple of Jesus may entail a life that is opposite of your parents dreams and aspirations. It may mean a change of priorities, hobbies, and careers so we can better serve the Lord. It may mean leaving family and friends physically/geographically so we can go where the Lord wants us to go.
More Notes & Applications
Teaches how when God calls us its always a “Right Now” thing. (Know that an opportunity of a lifetime must be seized in the life of every believer when it comes to God’s call on their lives.)
Warns against telling God later or I’ll get around to that when we have the time. (Know that tomorrow is not promised to you, that all you have is the right now?)
Teaches how following Jesus means taking a risk, stepping out in faith, and leaving behind that which is comfortable and secure. Will you choose to follow Jesus.
Note: This must not have been an easy thing for Peter & Andrew to do, due to the fact that in that era family connections were a primary source both of identity and of honor, and the responsibility to care for one’s parents was rooted both in cultural custom and in biblical law.
(For more Applications get the whole Book) 
(All material is copyrighted and may be used for preaching, teaching, and instructing. And not for publication in any form without the written permission of the author.)
- Posted by David Costa/
- Notes/
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