Matthew 4:12…….Ready
When Jesus heard that John had been put in prison, he returned to Galilee. (i.e. His hometown of Nazareth, eventually moving His ministry to Capernaum.-{V. 13})
Continued From Book
“Hearing of John the Baptist’s imprisonment by Herod, Jesus for His own safety moves His ministry to Galilee.” ⇒ There will come a time later for Jesus to face such threats head-on, particularly when He goes to Jerusalem prior to the crucifixion. But for now Jesus pulls away in order to carry out his ministry of preaching and healing around Galilee.
“Teaches how Jesus is well aware of our trials & sufferings. The persecutions of the Saints are never far from the heart and ears of the Lord!”
“Displays how being a faithful witness is not without its dangers. It shouldn’t come as a surprise when we speak words of truth and accountability people will hate us and persecute us for it.”
“Calls for not allowing bad news to stop us from moving forward with the Gospel message and our own walk with God.” ⇒ Jesus is ready to faithfully serve both His Father and those who need Him, no matter the cost.
“Calls for stepping forward in new opportunities for ministry. Jesus responds to the right timing; He sees an opening and fills it by continuing the work John had started.” ⇒ If you find yourself in a position to teach, minister, or help. Will you step up when the opportunity presents itself. Maybe the ministry you will have will be a continuation of someone else’s ministry. Will you be ready to take over when the time comes?
“Teaches how were allow to flee from danger, but not from service.”
“Gives encouragement in knowing, even as devastating as John’s arrest was, God still utilizes tragic events to further His purpose and plans.”
“Teaches how God will not leave Himself without a witness, or His church without guides. When He removes one useful instrument, He raises up another.” ⇒ Even though the voices of messengers can be silenced, the message of the Kingdom can never be silenced. Where one voice is silenced God will raise up a far more powerful voice to be heard. There has never been a time in history where the message of the Gospel and the Kingdom of God has been completely silenced. There may have been dark periods throughout history and places where the work of the Gospel has had little results and little success, but God has always raised up preachers to proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ and will continue to do so!(They can kill the preacher, but they cannot kill the message or the preaching! As the song goes; “His truth is marching on”.)
“Even today rather than feeling powerless in being unable to help those who are suffering. Or guilty for failing to come to the aide of others, as hard as that may be. We’re to continue to serve God in whatever situation we can, allowing nothing to deter us in our mission in spreading the Gospel message.” ⇒ Don’t allow the evils and injustices see in the world, or your own failures keep you from serving God.
Additional Notes & Applications
Teaches how no one indispensable, that God does not need us or the greatest of Preachers upon the earth, but can raise up anyone He desires to speak the Gospel message. (Know that the purposes and plans of God do not hinge on one man, one Church, or one denomination!)
Calls for remaining faithful in our service to God even if it means to sacrifice and suffer for it. (This may not necessarily mean losing your life, but simply to be different and to stand out.)
Reminds believers even in those times where it may seem all is lost and there’s no hope left, know that God’s timing is always good, that God always provides and fulfills His promises and will always build His Church!
–John put in Prison- Meaning: According to the historian Josephus identifies it as the fortified castle of “Macherus” located on a mountain top four miles East of the Dead Sea at an elevation of about 3600 feet. The fortress was built in 90 B.C. by Alexander Jannaeus to protect the trade rout against the Nabataeans. It would later become for the Jews the center of resistance against the Romans both by the Maccabee’s and later by the Jews in their resistance against Vespasian & Titus during the revolt in 70 A.D. (See Josephus Antiquities book 18, 5:2, 118) As to the reasons for John’s imprisonment. Herod Antipas, the tetrarch of Galilee and Perea had arrested John the Baptist because he questioned Herod’s immoral behavior of taking his brother Philip’s wife Herodias as his own and for other evil’s Herod had done. (Luke 3:19-20). According to the historian Josephus, Herod was afraid of the popularity of John and his influence on the crowds. Herod feared that John could ignite a rebellion against the king with John’s appeal to the crowd. So, he wanted to silence John by putting him in prison and did not intent to execute him for fear of agitation from the people if he would kill the prophet.
Note: Some question how could Jesus, the Messiah, be bringing a message of truth and justice when He did not stand up for His close relative John when put in prison? Rather than lead some political protest, scripture tells us that Jesus left the area and began His ministry of preaching and healing. What can we make of this? First; in His life on earth, Jesus placed the Gospel of God as a task which comes before all else. He puts it before the demands of his mother and brothers, He puts it before His own need for solitude when the crowds wish to hear Him, and ultimately puts it before His own life. Second; Jesus was not leaving John because He had no desire to help him, but because John had finished carrying out his ministry and role to “Make ready the way of the Lord” and to “Make his paths straight”, and to baptise Jesus.-(Matt. 3:3-17)
Note: John’s Gospel records a time lapse of about a year, in which several events took place prior to Jesus’ move to Galilee:
Jesus’ attends wedding at Canaan, turning water to wine-(Jn 2:10)
Jesus’ clearing of the temple in Jerusalem during Passover-(Jn 2:12-25)
Jesus’ meeting with Nicodemus & Samaritan woman-(Jn 3:1-21, 4:1-26)
(For more Applications get the whole Book) 
(All material is copyrighted and may be used for preaching, teaching, and instructing. And not for publication in any form without the written permission of the author.)
- Posted by David Costa/
- Notes/
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