Matthew 4:3………Ready
3 The tempter (i.e. devil, enticer, seducer. Expresses Satan’s work in soliciting men to sin) came to him (Suggests an outward visible form) and said, “If (since, assuming) you are the Son of God, (Divine) tell these stones to become bread.” (Round shaped stones that look similar to bread.)
Continued From Book
“Satan is tempting Jesus to misuse His divine power for His own selfish needs and wants.” ⇒ What Satan is really saying is; “Why are you out here in the wilderness starving?” “You’re the Son of God” . The devil is trying to get Jesus to use His divine powers for selfish reasons apart from God’s will.
“Warns how Satan tempts us through the lust and desires of the flesh.” ⇒ Satan often crafts the temptation to what fits our sinful desires.-(James 4:1-3) Satan wants us to give into our fleshly desires. Not just with food, but with sex, drugs, alcohol, pornography, gambling, etc. We all have desires. Desires that are good. Desires that are created by God for food, for water, for sleep, for sex, for relationships, for companionships, etc. But Satan wants us to fulfill those God given needs and desires in an ungodly way. Outside of God’s will and God’s Word. So you desire food which is good. Satan will take that which is good and tempt you through undisciplined overeating. You desire rest and sleep, Satan tempts you towards apathy and laziness. You have sexual desires, Satan will tempt you to fulfill it through lust, pornography, adultery, homosexuality, over-sexuality, etc. Satan knows our sinful habits, even our pet sins. That puts him in a good position to tempt us. He knows things are more tempting to some people than for other people. As example, people who are tempted by money. Satan will tempt them to steal from a coworker, roommate, or relative. That is their weakness. So the devil does what he can to place these temptations before them. People who’s weakness is gossip, Satan will tempt them to talk about a neighbor or a coworker. Peoples whose weakness is sexual, Satan will tempt them with pornography or adultery. People whose weakness is alcohol, Satan will tempt them to drink at a party. In fact there is not a time or season where Satan is not at work crafting the temptation for where were at in life. As an example in times of prosperity, health, and ease, Satan tempts us to forget God, to become lazy, self-sufficient, and live undisciplined lives. In times of anger, bitterness, and strife, he tempts us to nit-pick, fault-find, and be dissatisfied, that we deserve better. (Note: A question arises how do we know if it’s the flesh, the world, or the devil that is tempting us? The answer is probably all of the above. We don’t know exactly how Satan interacts with our own sinful desires to do his ugly work. But I think it is fair to say that our own fallen sinful nature is like an invitation, like a welcome mat and an open door to Satan. That’s why Paul says; “Do not let the sun go down on your anger, and give no opportunity to the devil.”-(Eph. 4:26-27) In other words, holding a grudge is like a welcome mat put out for Satan. And it works the other way around. When Satan beckons us to sin, our own sinful nature kicks in and makes those beckoning’s more attractive. So while the devil is not personally present in the life of a Christian 24/7, his ally, the sinful nature, is. We have a sinful flesh that will lead us off into temptation every chance it gets. And so Satan doesn’t have to come and tempt us, or even send some of His minions to do the job. Our flesh causes us to sin at the drop of hat, and so he doesn’t have to expend a lot of energy in tempting us. If we’re to fight the lusts of the flesh we do so by “Walking not according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit”.
“Warns how Satan tempts us to doubt the love and goodness of God .” ⇒ Satan comes to us in our hardships and suffering, trying to get us to doubt God’s character and goodness. That the hardships and suffering were going through is evidence that God doesn’t really care, God’s not real, or God’s favor has left us. Satan will have us question; “If” God loves you, why is He allowing you to go through these difficult circumstances? “Why would He allow this to happen to you”? Clearly He doesn’t have your best interests in mind or you wouldn’t being going through this. Or Satan will tempt us to avoid suffering for doing good. Or to give up when following God gets tough. Have you ever been tempted like that. Your following God and it’s difficult. And the tempter comes along and whispers into your ear “Come on you don’t need this, just back out.” Or he will have us think “Were you even called in serving God in this way”? Satan will tempt us to question the promises and blessings of God. Why are you broke, homeless, poor, and lonely? Or why don’t you have a better job, why are you living in this dump of a place? Wouldn’t your life be better by now? [Note: Satan will do all he can to undercut our confidence and trust in God that we end up forgetting all of the promises God has already fulfilled in our lives because our focus is on the pain of the One need He hasn’t fulfilled yet. Don’t allow your circumstances define who God is!]
“Warns how Satan tempts us to question our faith & Identity.” ⇒ Satan declares war on our identity because he knows it is perhaps the surest way to wreck the relationship between us and God. Satan attacks the very nuggets of truth that God gives you? As soon as you receive it, Satan’s after it. He contends against every bit of truth that God’s trying to give you and tries to get you to doubt it. Are you really God’s child? Does God really have your back? Is God really for you? Can you really trust God with this area of your life? Is God really who He says He is? And are you really who God says you are? Satan will try to cast doubt on God’s Word and who we are in Christ. Satan will use our past to keep us in shame and away from Jesus. That you are worthless. You are a failure. You will never change. You got what you deserved. You are hopeless. You are disgusting. God is sick of you. (Something doesn’t need to be true to be devastating, it simply need be believed.) Or Satan will try to get us to doubt our Salvation; “Did God really Save you”? Maybe you didn’t pray the right prayer or maybe you weren’t baptised the right way. Satan will use the difficulties of life to question God. If I’m a child of God why am I having all these problems. Why isn’t my business doing better, why is my marriage not working, etc. Satan will use the discouragement over sin to lead us to question the reality of our Salvation. You call yourself a Christian. You keep falling back into that same sin again and again. Satan wants to make you believe that any relapse into sin, even sin you’ve labored so hard to overcome is evidence that you are not a believer. That if Christ and the Holy Spirit were working in your life, you would overcome the sin by now. Or Satan will have you believe because you have no peace, joy, and victory in your life proves your not Saved. Or maybe because your heart isn’t as on fire in the same way as other Christians you must not be a true believer. Or Satan will try to get you to believe that you have committed an unforgivable sin. It may not be the unforgivable sin mentioned in scripture-(Matt. 12:31-32) But he will paint it in such a way that it seems like no man could recover a relationship with God after committing such an act. (Note: We don’t have to fall for Satan’s lies when we hold firm to whom Jesus Christ has declared us to be through His victory on the Cross.)
“Warns how Satan tempts us by way of Entitlements and Rights.” ⇒ Satan often plays the “Entitlement Card”. Satan will have us believe I deserve this after all I’ve done and all I’ve been through. I feel “entitled” to some relief, to some pleasure, to some sin. It’s the same type of temptation you hear in statements like: “If it feels good do it,” “or “It’s okay to enjoy yourself.” Satan will have us believe “I’m entitled to fulfill my needs for awhile.” Or “I have the right to nurse my wounds and stay angry.” Satan uses the entitlement lie to give people an excuse for adultery, drinking, divorce, sex, anger, bitterness, fraud, etc. This is where drinking and alcoholism comes from: “I worked hard today, so I deserve a stiff drink”. This is where credit card debt comes from: “I deserve a little splurge.” This is where embezzlement comes from: “I am worth more than they pay me.” This is where adultery comes from: “I am entitled to a little happiness.” This is where greed comes from, “I deserve to get my fair share”. So don’t buy into the entitlement lie, it’s Satan’s way to bring ruin and destruction to your life.
“Even today, Satan may not tempt us to turn stones into bread. But we can be tempted to meet a legitimate need in an illegitimate way. We can be tempted to turn to alcohol & drugs during difficult times. We can be tempted to turn to food for comfort & relief. We can be tempted to cheat to find fulfillment. We can be tempted to steal to pay the rent, gamble to pay the bills.” ⇒ Fulfilling a legitimate need is not wrong in and of themselves. We all have need for food, clothing, shelter, love, sex, approval, companionship, security, etc. Hunger and need is not the problem. It’s how we fulfill those god given needs in an ungodly manner that is. As an example you have to look to your own survival (legitimate need). Satan will take that need and tempt you to lie and cheat to meet it (illegitimate means). You seek escape and relief from some trial or hardship (legitimate need). Satan will have you turn to drugs and alcohol to relieve it (illegitimate means). You seek intimacy and fulfillment (legitimate need). Satan will tempt you to do so outside of marriage (illegitimate means). You seek safety and security (legitimate need). Satan will tempt you to embezzle and defraud in order to pad your bank account (illegitimate means). You seek success and importance (legitimate need). Satan will take those needs and convince you they are best met by self-effort and self-promotion (illegitimate means). You want to provide for your family (legitimate need). Satan will have you steal and cut corners to achieve it (illegitimate means). You seek the need for friends and to be liked (legitimate need). Satan will have you gossip and put up fake fronts on Instagram and Facebook so people will like us (illegitimate means). On and on we could go.
“Tempting Jesus to turns into bread might seem like a trifling thing. Where the sin in turning a few stones into bread, after all a guys got to eat. The danger was not about creating food. Later Jesus will multiply a few loaf’s of bread to feed 5000 people. The temptation here was getting Jesus to act outside the plans and will of God the Father.” ⇒ If Jesus had used his power here to escape the discomfort of hunger, and the suffering that comes with it, then he could not be described as one who suffered and was tempted in all the ways that we are.-(Heb. 4:15) He would have failed to set the example. None of us would be able to escape such a temptation as that, and so Jesus chooses to stay with us in the face of such a temptation. After all, He came to Save us, and not Himself. Jesus knew that it was Spirit that lead Him into the Wilderness to Fast in the first place. A miracle in bringing His fast to an end would have had Jesus obeying Satan rather than the Father’s will. And above all, it would have had Jesus using His divine power for His own self-serving purposes. Jesus never did any miracles for His own personal needs, even if those needs were legitimate. All of His miracles were for others and every miracles He performed was done in the will of God. [Note: There was so much riding on this one little indiscretion, that if Jesus would have given an inch, or even turned a stone into one tiny crumb there would be no Salvation for mankind, no eternal life.] There’s a lesson we can take away from this as well, and that is, there is no such thing as “little sins” or “small sins” don’t really matter. Because at the root of every sin, no matter how small, there’s always more at stake than what you think in the moment. There might not be that much riding on our tiny sins as it was with Jesus. But all sin, no matter how small, can have drastic consequences down the road. Think about it, Adam & Eve didn’t commit some great sin, like murder or adultery, all they did was eat a little piece of fruit and look what happened, it plunged the whole world into sin and death-(Gen. 3:1-19) Your choice to sin won’t have the cosmic implications that theirs did, but sin still brings death. Your future can be at stake, your family can be at stake, even your faith can be at stake. Some will even talk their way out of their sins or down play their sins to the point that they will say; “I don’t know if I even believe that anymore”.
Additional Notes & Applications
Warns how Satan tempts us to question “God’s provisions”. Who are you going too look to meet your needs? Are you going to look to God, or are you going to look to someone or something else? If you look to a person you will always be disappointed. If you look to money, it will always leave you wanting more. How many have thought God is not providing for me as He should? Or God is out of touch with my needs. So we start to meet our need in a improper way. Satan planted seeds of doubt in Eve’s mind when he said, “Did God really say, ‘You shall not eat of every tree of the garden’?” – (Gen. 3:1b). He wanted her to doubt God and His goodness.
Warns how Satan tempts us to ”Take matters into our own hands”. Just as Satan used hunger to test Jesus’ patience in staying true to the Father’s will. So to Satan will temp us to become impatient, to take control. You can grab that relationship. You can move in with your boyfriend. You can have sex before marriage. You deserve to be happy. Remember Abraham and Sarah. God promised them they would have a son. Bur Sarah became impatient and took matters into her own hands and had Abraham sleep with Hagar an Egyptian maidservant, and we know the disastrous results that came from that. -(Gen. 16:1-12) Or how about Moses who was called by God to rescue the Hebrew people. It was God’s big plan for his life; it was his destiny. But instead of waiting for God’s timing, he took matters into his own hands and killed the Egyptian slave master.–(Ex. 2:11-14) We to can become impatient wonderi9ng God are you ever going to make this happen. Or the devil will take advantage of our impatience and weariness to tempt us to give up; “You don’t need all this, just back out”. Or “Were you really even called to serve God in this way.” We are going to be irritated by delays; We’re going to grow weary in our walk with God. The greatest danger is the impatience of hardships makes us resentful and causes us to challenge the wisdom and goodness of God.
Warns how Satan tempts us by way of what is “Innocent & harmless”. Satan often tempts us in what seems harmless enough. Satan doesn’t tempt Jesus to do anything blatantly immoral, like steal or watch pornography, but to simply eat. This is the subtle way temptation works, what’s the harm? What’s the problem with this small area of compromise? Who will know, who will be hurt? What Satan proposes can look so innocent, so harmless, so much in line with what we want. If not careful its easy to be convinced that what he presents to us “Can’t be all that bad.” That is exactly the kind of place Satan will tempt you. He will convince you what’s so evil about it, everyone is doing it. Or Satan will have us to do the right thing for the wrong reason. Satan will have us do something intrinsically good but in the wrong way. David wanted the Ark to be restored to its rightful place (Jerusalem) a good thing with the best of intensions, his motives were right. But the end does not justify the means. Instead of using Levite Priests to carry the Ark as God’s Law prescribed. He used a Philistine cart and oxen instead, and we all know what happened.-(2-Sam. 6:1-9, 1-Chron. 15:1-15) Satan even incited David to do something as innocent as counting His fighting men (military census) a good thing before going into battle. But by doing so David sinned against God because He was looking to His men to deliver him rather than relying on God.-(1-Chron. 21:1-8, 2-Sam. 24:1-17)
Warns how Satan tempts us by way of “Desperation and Dire needs”. Satan tempts us as in the “Law of necessity”. It’s the temptation to do anything in order to survive. That if your family is starving your justified in going and stealing food to feed them, and therefore should not feel guilty because you had no other recourse. Satan will have us believe that desperate times calls for desperate measures. We may not have to do something illegal, like steal, it may be as subtle as to say, “My job needs to be my first priority; otherwise, how will I live?” Most people succumb to this temptation and live under the cursed struggle to survive.
Warns how Satan often tempts us to “Doubt God’s Word and Plan”. Satan’s go-to tactic in our lives is to break the hold the Word of God has on us. So, he takes what God has declared and casts doubt on it. Satan doesn’t need to start of with lies, he didn’t launch his attack against Jesus by questioning God’s existence, he didn’t bring up pornography or lustful thoughts, he simply tries to make Jesus question God’s Word, and the rest would fall into place. So to with us, Satan doesn’t come right out and say “Hay, deny your faith and come join me in hell” He’s too cunning for that. If the devil can get his foot in the door by making us doubt, the rest of his plan can quickly follow. The devil doesn’t try to convince a person to fall from grace all at once. He cunningly draws a person further and further from God, one step at a time by redirecting our path, however slightly that may be. Satan tries to persuade us that God’s Word is just like any other book. “Oh,” yes “the Bible is nice, perhaps helpful, but it is not absolute or its outdated.” Or he will try to plant thoughts in our heads that God’s way is too restrictive, that He’s holding out on us and keeping from having fun. The moment he convinces us to insert that question marks into our lives, our security disappears and our strength evaporates.
Warns how Satan tempts us by way of “Divine providence & Fate”. Since most assume the stones Satan was pointing too must have looked similar to the bread of Palestine, in both color, shape, and texture. Therefore Satan was probably trying to get Jesus to think this was no coincidence, it must have been by divine providence and therefore it must be O.K. Like what are the odds that God the Father was going to put Him right there in front of things that look just like bread. Therefore just by providence alone God was telling Him He should make them into bread. So to Satan will use providence and fate to tempt us. So we need to be careful or Satan will have us believe our being in this or that place at that particular time wasn’t by accident or chance, it had to be divine providence. Will think because we see an open door that it must be a sign from God. Or having a job opportunity or relationship fall into our laps was God’s doing. [Note: Providential opportunity does not always mean divine approval and direction. What happens around us and the circumstances we find ourselves in are not always divine providence or direction from God. But perhaps a test, to see if our rule of life will be God’s Word or our circumstances.]
Warns how Satan will use our “situation and circumstances” to tempt us. Satan will tempt us to relieve our situation in the wrong ways. The devil will try to get us to find relief through food, sex, drugs or alcohol. When Satan tempted Eve he took advantage by finding her near the forbidden tree. So we need to be careful and not put ourselves in certain situations where we can be temped. We must be wary of the company we keep. Satan can promote his lies through unbelievers in your life. He will use unbelievers like a mouth piece to feed you bad ideas that lead to evil thoughts and behavior If we surround ourselves with people who do not prioritize Christ then our own priorities will suffer. Or worse, we will slip into the vices and bad habits that they embody. When we know the ploys and tricks Satan uses to tempt us, we can likewise fashion a tailor-made plan of action to counter those temptations. In other words, when we acknowledge our own proneness to sin, along with the ways Satan assaults us by means of them, we can prepare ourselves to stand guard against him. [Note: If there’s a sin you easily fall into, its better not to have those things around you, or have easy access to them. As an example if your weakness is sweets, don’t have a lot of candy around the house. If its alcohol, don’t hang around people who drink. If its pornography, use a filter or keep your computer devices in a public place.]
Warns how Satan tempts us by way of “Irrefutable truths”. Look how Satan does it to Jesus saying “If” which really means “Since” you are the Son of God [irrefutable truth] turn these stones into bread, everything will be fine [a wrong conclusion]. So too with us, Satan will use an irrefutable truth while making the wrong conclusion. As an example Satan may say something like “Since God is Sovereign and will accomplish His will with or without us”. [undisputed truth]-(Job. 42:2, Is. 14:27, Rom. 9:14-21) “So why pray, why evangelize, why witness, why go to church” [a wrong conclusion]. Or Satan will say, “Since God’s Word commands that a wife submit to her husband.” [undisputed truth]-(Eph. 5:22) “Then you have every right to make her your slave and have her obey everything you say.” [a wrong conclusion]. Satan will say since the Spirit will lead us unto all truth-[undisputed truth-John 16:13] Why read the bible or study God’s Word-[a wrong conclusion] Satan will say; “Since God has given you liberty in Christ.”-[undisputed truth]-(1-Corn. 6:12, Gal. 5:13-14) “Than go ahead and indulge in this or that pleasure, after all God will forgive you”- [a wrong conclusion].-(Rom. 14:1- 23)
Warns how Satan often appears very helpful and accommodating, pretending to be a friend who’s only there to help. Satan would have us believe that the things with which he tempts us are for our own good. Here is the thing about temptation – it often comes disguised as a friend, to help you get through a tough time and a tough situation. This is the voice that tries to turn us away from God: “Hey, I’m just here to help you! I’m on your side! Really, we both just want what’s best for you.” But instead of helping, this fake friend leads us away from trusting God and toward trusting ourselves or trying to prove what we don’t actually need to prove.
Warns how Satan will have us believe needs are God-given and legitimate, therefore it is right to want them filled. After all if God created us, why would He give us those needs if He didn’t want us to fulfill them. Besides wouldn’t God have taken those cravings away by now if He didn’t want you to act on them? Therefore its O.K. to give into those cravings and sexual desires, and besides you can’t help it, you were born this way. Your only living the way God made you, and God doesn’t make mistakes.
Warns how Satan often tempts us, not through our weaknesses, but through our strengths. The devil tempted Jesus where He was strong. Jesus had power over stones.
Warns how Satan often tempts us with what we want most or what were lacking. For Jesus, He is lacking food, and so He is tempted where He is lacking. And this is often how temptation comes. We’re vulnerable where we are lacking. So if you’re lacking intimacy, or maybe you’re dealing with some loneliness…you’re lacking some companionship…so okay, that’s where you can expect an attack to come from.
Displays how by tempting Jesus to turn stones into bread Satan can only pervert what already exists. Sin and Evil does not exist on its own. Evil is merely the distortion of what is good. (Satan’s goal is to take what is good and pervert it in order to ruin us.) (cf. 1-Corn. 10:13)
Teaches by saying “If you are the son of God” Satan will use those very nuggets of truth that God gives as a weapon against us. That’s what Satan attacks. As soon as you receive it, he’s after it. He contends against every bit of truth that God’s trying to give you and tries to get you to doubt it or to let go of it.
Warns how at times Satan comes and tempts us to use the power and situation at our disposal, to try another god, to end the frustration, the poverty, the hunger. “Make bread,” Satan tells Jesus”, “and use it for yourself, not for mankind”. In the same way the devil tempts us to turn our thoughts inwardly to looking out for number one, seeing to our own needs, wants, and desires.
–“If you are the Son of God”–Meaning: Do not read this as if there was a doubt in Satan’s mind about Jesus’ divine Son-ship, but rather it should be read as a taunt or a challenge as “since” or “being that” your the Son of God. Satan knows that Jesus is God’s Son, he has no doubt about that. In fact Satan would have heard the declaration by the Father from the heavenly realms at Jesus’ baptism saying; “This is my beloved son, whom I love”.-(3:17) Some believe that Satan’s words were meant to CAST DOUBT ON THE LOVE AND PROVIDENCE OF GOD. That Satan was trying to plant the thought in Jesus’ mind that His Father wasn’t taking proper care of Him. “If you are the Son of God, why doesn’t Your Father feed You? Why has He put You into this terrible situation? Doesn’t He care about Your needs?” This sounds very much like the way the devil tempted Eve. Scripture says that Satan planted the thought in Eve’s mind that perhaps God was holding out and keeping something good from her. “You will not die if you eat the fruit,” the devil told her. “God is withholding the best from you. There’s more out there for you to enjoy and to experience and He knows it.”–(Gen. 3:4-5) Unfortunately, Eve did not recognize what the devil was doing and she fell into his terrible trap. Others believe that Satan was trying to LURE JESUS INTO ACTING INDEPENDENTLY OF HIS FATHER. “If You are the Son of God” could also mean “Since You are the Son of God”. Perhaps Satan’s real intent, wasn’t as much as trying to cast doubt on the Lord’s deity, as it was to entice the Lord to begin using His divine power for His own needs and desires. Perhaps Satan was saying, “Since You are the Son of God, You should go ahead and use your power for your own ends.” If He had given in, He would have been gratifying His human nature and rejecting God’s plan.
The Lusts of the Flesh…..
Satan uses the lust of the flesh to try to convince you that you need some thing to be satisfied or fulfilled. He wants you to believe that you will never be happy unless you get whatever this thing may be. By using this tactic, he is preying on your flesh. Satan will do whatever he can to influence us into believing that what we want is actually what we need. This leads to the desire for instant gratification. He does this in order to thwart the timing and purposes of God, even though everything is in God’s time and according to His will. In using the lust of the flesh, Satan is basically saying to you – if you try this or do that, you can feel great.
The Lust of the eyes….
Satan’s efforts to draw us away from God for a life of money, wealth, riches, and materialism. Satan shows us what we think we need and how great it would be if we had it. What are your heart’s desires? Satan knows what they are and he wants to offer them to you – but believe me, it’s at a cost – and he WILL come to collect at some point.
The Pride of Life….
Satan uses the pride of life by tempting you to destroy yourself through sin. He tells you that you can handle anything and wants you to believe that you are much better than you actually are, and that you don’t need anything other than yourself. Not only that, he wants you to think that you deserve to get better than you actually receive. These lies that Satan tells us are dangerous because they separate us from God and keep us from receiving God’s best for us.
God loves you, your sin & behavior doesn’t matter all that much.
God must not be good if He allows evil & suffering
God doesn’t really care about you, You don’t matter
If I am not happy then God must not love me
If you don’t have joy, peace, and victory in your life you must not be Saved
You are alone in your struggles
You have committed an unforgivable sin
Your past is what defines you, you’ll never change, Your past makes you unusable to God
Being a Christian means never sinning again
I need a husband/wife to feel fulfilled
Going to church is enough
Doesn’t God want me to be happy
I’m my own authority (I know what’s best for my life.)
If you don’t put yourself first in life, no one else will
If you make yourself your number one priority, everything else will fall in place
The more stuff you have, the happier you will be
One little sin wont hurt, it will make you feel better
Confessing your sins will only hurt the people around you
Bible’s teachings are outdated, not relevant for today
Satan will bait & hook us by showing us all the fun in sin while hiding all the misery and bondage it brings
Satan will follow our greatest spiritual highs with his greatest temptations
Satan will adapt his temptations to our character and our circumstances
Satan will make sin appear small & harmless
Satan will tempt us to excuse sin and be unconcerned about it
Satan will have us make lite of sin, that its not that serious and no big deal
Satan will persuade us to sin now and repent later
Satan will have us believe that were strong enough, that we can play with temptation and not sin
Satan will have us presume on God’s grace, that we can sin all we want and God will forgive us
Satan will have us believe people who sin have more fun and a better life
Satan will try to discourage us by showing us all the difficulties & hardships godly people will face
Satan will have us believe we can be friends with the ungodly & unbelievers and not be affected
Satan will try to encourage us towards spiritual ignorance & unbiblical thinking
(For more Applications get the whole Book)
(All material is copyrighted and may be used for preaching, teaching, and instructing. And not for publication in any form without the written permission of the Author)
- Posted by David Costa/
- Notes/
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