Matthew 3:15…….Ready
Jesus replied, (insisted) “Let it be so now; it is proper (fitting, appointed, God-ordained) for us to do this (Not that Jesus was including John in the work of Salvation) to fulfil all righteousness.” (1343-To conform to the will, plan, and ordinances of all that God commands, requires, and ordains. Expresses to carry out and obey all that God requires and ordains. To put things right with God) Then John consented. (obeyed)
Continued From Book
“Displays Jesus’ obedience in carrying out God’s will & plan of Salvation by taking our sins upon Himself that we may stand righteous before God.” ⇒ (cf. Matt. 1:21, Rom. 8:1-4, Is. 53:11-12, 1-Corn. 1:21, 2-Corn. 5:21, Heb. 10:9-10, Is. 53:11-12)
“Teaches how obeying and submitting to all that God commands is the first step on the path to righteous living.”…….(To be Continued)
“Calls for obeying God even if we don’t understand it, even if we don’t get it, even if we don’t get the “why”.” ⇒ We need to cultivate this same instinct as John the Baptist. When Jesus speaks, we obey. When the Scriptures speak, we obey.
“Teaches if Jesus submitted to all that God requires. How much more are we to submit.” ⇒ Have you tried to ignore church, baptism, prayer, tithing, or some other divine requirement even though you knew God commands it.”
“Displays the Lord’s gracious invitation in laboring alongside Him. From the very beginning Jesus includes people in His work.” ⇒This should never be taken for granted. Jesus certainly could do it alone for He is after all the beloved Son of God, the One sent by God, the One with authority on whom the Spirit of God descends. Jesus is able to reign in and defeat the power of evil. He does not need help. For some reason though, in His, divine wisdom He chooses to include human beings! How even with all our flaws and defects God is still willing to use us in all that He is accomplishing in the world. The mere fact that the Lord allows any kind of relationship and connection with Him is beyond human comprehension, yet He has!
“Teaches how there’s nothing that God won’t do or accomplish in the work He wrought on our behalf in Christ.” (Rom. 8:31-39) ⇒ Whatever sin or area your failing in, God will see that Jesus’ blood will cover you.
“Teaches how Jesus will never command us to do anything that He Himself is unwilling to do!”…….(To be Continued)
“Calls for obeying all that the Lord says, without needing a explanation or reason why .” ⇒ We need to cultivate the same instinct and just obey without needing things cleared up or some lengthy explanation. When Jesus speaks, we obey. When the Spirit speaks, we obey. When the Scriptures speak, we obey. I don’t need to understand everything. scripture says it, so I believe it. The Trinity for example comes to mind. I believe it because the scriptures reveals it. John gives up the fight and consents to do it the way that Jesus wants it done. That is how you get the “more” of the Christian life. I’m sure John the Baptist didn’t understand fully what Jesus had meant. But obeyed anyway, We need to cultivate the same obedience. We obey even if we don’t get it, even if we don’t get the “why.” At the end of the day will you accept what Jesus says in spite of not fully understanding all that He does and asks. The trouble with many of us is when Jesus says to us, “let it be so now” instead of consenting like John, we keep fighting we keep resisting. But if we will let go, God will confirm who was right so that we would know without a doubt that it is Jesus-(V. 17) Consenting isn’t about being in control or having all the answers. It means we don’t turn back or run away from what is in front of us. Consenting doesn’t mean passively accepting whatever happens. It means actively giving ourselves to the circumstances, relationships, and people before us. It’s an act of risk and vulnerability. And it’s a profession of faith, hope, and love. It means staying open and remaining receptive to whatever in that moment is being asked of us and dealing with it. The opportunities for consent come to us every day. Maybe you’re being asked to consent to love, forgiveness, peace, compassion, courage, hope. It might be in your marriage or parenting, at work, caring for another, speaking out and acting for justice, being present to another, working on your recovery, healing a relationship, or setting out in a new direction. What is the Lord asking you to consent today? (Note: A good lesson to remember is: If it’s between your plan and Jesus’ plan, always tell yourself that Jesus’ plan is the right one.)
Additional Notes & Applications
Teaches just as Jesus choose to be baptized whether people thought He was sinful and needed repentance. So to for us, our only concern should be about following and submitting to the will of God no matter what people may think of us, or how it appears to others.
-it is proper for us to do this-Meaning: At first glance this would seem odd, why would Jesus use the plural “us”? Why didn’t Jesus simply say “it is fitting for “me” to fulfill all righteousness”?, But He says for “us”. Does Jesus mean that John the Baptist is going to have some instrumental role in the fulfilling the righteousness of God, of course not! John’s own earlier protest already attests to his unworthiness. (cf. Matt. 3:14, Luke 3:16) But rather by using the plural “us” Jesus was simply referring to John’s appointed work in baptism and His own submission to the divine ordinance. Others contend that Jesus was purposely referring to the “Trinity”, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. (cf. Gen. 1:26)
-fulfill all righteousness–Meaning: Does not mean that Jesus needed to be made more righteous or increase in grace.-(John 1:14) Or that Jesus had sins to repent of, for He was already sinless. (cf. 2-Corn. 5:21, Heb. 4:15) But rather portrays Jesus’ obedience in submitting to all divine ordinances, including John’s baptism. There are two forms of “Righteousness”. The First use of the word righteousness is imputed gift given to us by God.-(Rom. 5:17b) We are reckoned or counted righteous with God by the imputed righteousness of Christ and His work on Calvary in paying the penalty for our sin.-(Rom. 3:23-25, 1-Pet. 2:21-23) We are justified by Christ’s perfect righteousness the very instant that we have faith, before we do any works of faith.-(Phlip. 3:8-12) When God looks at us He sees the righteous blood of Jesus that washes away all sin. While having been declared righteous in God’s sight. Yet there’s still a ‘full and perfect righteousness that lies in the future where we are perfected in God’s sight after we die.-(Gal. 5:5) The other use of the word righteousness is something that we ourselves are acting and living out in our daily lives. The first kind of righteousness is perfect. The second kind of righteousness is progressive. We strive to live holy and righteous lives also know as progressive sanctification. Not to earn Salvation, but because it confirms we have been Saved and it glorifies Christ. (2-Pet. 1:10) Unlike Salvation, Sanctification is not instantaneous. Sanctification is the race we run, the war we fight, the path we tread. It’s the process of becoming more like Christ, and it continues throughout our lives. However, the moment we receive Salvation, we also receive a Helper to guide us on our journey, the Holy Spirit. Though we have been made right in God’s sight, we still have a sinful nature that resides inside us. And because of this sinful nature we are expected to die daily to sin and live for righteousness. That’s why we need to continue to repent and ask for God’s forgiveness when we sin.-(Matt. 6:14, 1-John 1:9-10)
Note: Just like John the Baptist, Jesus won’t command us to do something without giving us the power and authority to accomplish it! Know Jesus will be there to help you do right and live out God’s word as it should be. If your finding it hard to forgive certain people, Jesus will help you carry it out! If your finding it hard to love people who are different than you, Jesus will help you carry it out! If your finding it hard to be gentle and kind, Jesus will help you carry it out!
Jesus’s obedience: Jesus told John that He wanted to obey all of God’s commandments, including baptism.
Jesus’s role as Messiah: John recognized Jesus’s superiority and testified that Jesus was the Messiah, the Lamb of God, and the Savior.
Jesus’s public ministry: The baptism of Jesus marked the beginning of His public ministry.
Jesus’ Wisdom: John was overcome by the force of Jesus’ reasoning
Jesus fulfilled All righteousness by obeying all divine institutions ordained by God (including John’s baptism)
Jesus fulfilled All righteousness by submitting the Father’s will and plan of Salvation
Jesus fulfilled All righteousness by living sinless life
Jesus fulfilled All righteousness by executing the offices of prophet, priest, and king
Jesus fulfilled All righteousness by providing our righteousness having obeyed the Law perfectly
We fulfill righteousness by believing and trusting in Jesus work on the Cross having atoned for our sins.
We fulfill righteousness by receiving Christ’s righteousness on our behalf.
We fulfill righteousness by following the example set by Jesus in being baptized
We fulfill righteousness by humbly submitting to the will and work of the God the Father.
We fulfill righteousness by living by faith.
We fulfill righteousness by serving and living sacrificially for others.
We fulfill righteousness by pursuing holiness and Christlikeness.
We fulfill righteousness by walking in the Spirit and not the flesh
(For more Applications get the Whole Book) 
(All material is copyrighted and may be used for preaching, teaching, and instructing. And not for publication in any form without the written permission of the author.)
- Posted by David Costa/
- Notes/
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