Matthew 3:12…….Ready
His (Jesus) winnowing fork (fan-K.J.V. Lit. pitchfork, shovel, Metph.-Gospel, Holy Spirit) is in his hand, and he will clear his threshing-floor, (heart, soul) gathering his wheat (Saints, righteous, redeemed) into the barn (Storehouse, granary, Metph.-Heaven) and burning up the chaff (husks/straw. Metph.-unrighteous, disobedient, un-redeemed. Or the carnal desires, sinful habits) with unquenchable (unending, inextinguishable, eternal, everlasting) fire.” (Expresses: Christ’s work in burning off the undesirable components of an individual. Sinful habits, cravings)
Continued From Book
“Displays the Lord’s Winnowing work upon our hearts in separating the good parts of us from the bad parts”. ⇔ Sometimes the Lord needs to blow away the chaff in us that we might be purified, having those things removed from us that would prevent us from being useful to God. Will you allow the Lord to make a clean sweep of your heart and life in getting rid of whatever chaff is still clinging to your life?
“Displays the Lord’s winnowing work in chiseling away those hard parts of ourselves that are holding us back from fully following Him.”
“Teaches how in Salvation some sins may fall away immediately. Other sins like pride, selfishness, envy, greed, lust, take a little longer. “ ⇔Those of us who have been believers for awhile, have all experienced this. Some habit; gossip, envy, jealousy hasn’t bothered us for years turns out to be a sin we must leave behind.
“Teaches those who have a Saving relationship with Christ Jesus will find themselves being tossed and turned more and more by the Lord.” ⇔ How has God been pulling at you, tugging at you, making you uncomfortable so you can turn from your sin? How might God be calling you to die to some sin, some attitude, or some behavior so you can live more fully for Him?
“Teaches how sometimes we may not know that we ourselves need winnowing, but our loving Father does.” ⇔ There’s a lot of hidden things we may be blind too, things that can be hurting us and leading us astray and not even know it, but the Lord does. We tend to wander and deviate and sometimes end up where we shouldn’t be. Or we start to accept and compromise with some sin. But God knows where we are and He will seek and lead us back. Winnowing is actually good news because it helps us see things we might not have been able to see any other way. It helps us to see things that are good and things that are not. It helps to know what’s desirable and what’s not. And above all it helps to reveal a more authentic and healthier you!
“Winnowing was the practice where after crushing the grain under the heavy hooves of oxen or a grinding wheel. A farmer would then use a pitchfork to separate the wheat from the straw by tossing it up in the air, allowing the lighter chaff to be blown away by the wind. The grain would then be put in storage, while the chaff was set on fire.” ⇔ The Winnowing process is a beautiful metaphor for Sanctification. The threshing floor, is where God’s provision for us is unearthed. Our responsibility is to cooperate with the process. On a personal level we do this in our relationships, careers, personal aspirations. Will it be painful to surrender to His process of refinement? Yes. That’s a guarantee. However, we must submit and offer up whatever it is to the winnowing work of the Holy Spirit. It’s in this place of wholehearted surrender that God can, and will, move powerfully to heal your heart and take you to new depths of relationship with Him.
“The Lord’s Winnowing isn’t the separation of Who’s in and Who’s out. Or Who’s good and Who’s bad. It’s the separation and distinction between what feeds, nourishes, and grows us and what does not. We all have chaff that needs to be winnowed away, of that there’s no question. Haven’t there been things – patterns, habits, behaviors, attitudes – that are only diminishing or constricting your life? They don’t offer you anything. If anything they’re only hindering and holding you back.
“Even today, what issue in your life is God asking you to take to the threshing floor? Whatever it is I challenge you to choose one painful issue that has kept you stuck in fear, anger, shame. or guilt and take it to the threshing floor and allow God to burn the chaff away.”
Additional Notes & Applications
Displays the Lord’s work in seeing that every area of our rebellious and sinful hearts have been conquered. Christ sweeps away our refuge of lies and any other sinful habits we may have!
Teaches if we’re going to become valuable tools in the Lord’s hands all the useless chaff and rubbish has to go. Will you allow your ways to be lost and put to death, and allow His ways and glory to flourish.
Teaches the importance of being Winnowed by the Lord. We are all susceptible to being duped into thinking we’re living for God when in reality were living for self. None of us are above living a hypocritical life. We can know the truth and still not live the truth. In fact, we’re doing it all the time. But by God’s grace, He helps us see our hypocrisy so we can turn from it.
-Winnowing/Threshing–Meaning: The Winnowing process used at harvest-time to separate husks from the grains of wheat. Back before farmers used machinery to process the wheat, they did it manually by hand and with oxen. First; They would cut the stalks of grain and then spread them on the “Threshing Floor”. Which was a hard flat circular area located in a large field or on a hill top. Next oxen would then walk around and around in a circle, using either their hooves or a wooden sled pulled behind them to break the husks away from the actual grain. Afterwards the straws of grain would then be tossed up into the air with a wooden pitchfork, allowing the wind to blow the lighter chaff away, while the heavier grain would fall to the floor. The grain was then gathered and stored in barns or caves. The chaff/straw was either used as fodder for livestock or burned as fuel in clay ovens. In the spiritual sense the “Winnowing Fork” is anywhere that God and the Holy Spirit is at work in separating all that is sinful, wicked, and unrighteous in us. And can take place anywhere, any time, and in a variety ways. The Lord’s Winnowing Fork can come through the Word or through preaching. Fortunately for us, the Winnowing process has already begun. From the moment we read the Gospels and believed. God has been Winnowing us, separating the worthless husky part of us from the valuable grain. The Lord’s Winnowing Fork can come in the form of stormy seasons of our lives. What feels like chaos and calamity is really the separating process of the Lord’s Winnowing Fork. The Lord’s Winnowing Fork can come through hardships and trials. The Lord’s Winnowing Fork can come through some sort of sickness or affliction, helping to keep us humble.-(2-Corn. 12:7-10) The Lord’s Winnowing Fork can come by way of church discipline. The Lord’s Winnowing Fork can come in the way of temptation in allowing Satan to sift us to see where our hearts are at.-(cf. Luke 22:31-32) “Winnowing” is a process of sanctification & purification that God begins in us and continues to work throughout or lives in growing us more and more holy and fruitful. “Winnowing” is where God’s provision for us is unearthed. It’s our responsibility to cooperate with the process and in turn and honor Him with the bounty of what is revealed. The Winnowing process can be very painful, you never know what’s going to end up on the end of the fork, or what the Lord is going to turn up. But necessary if we’re to mature and grow into the person that we’re always meant to be. Also note the chaff that is being burned in the fire is not the fiery judgment of God’s wrath, but the fire of God’s truth and love. I wish I could tell you everything is all beauty and roses after the winnowing process and you will live happily ever after. Not exactly. As Christians, God is continually renewing and transforming us. In the process, our faith is renewed and strengthened. It sounds messy, but the end product is beautiful. The fan God uses to Winnow us can be a pitchfork or a rod. It can be heavy & harsh or light & gently. That God knows what it will take to shake away the “Chaff” and what instrument is best suited for each person. “Chaff” can be anything from jealousy, envy, hatred, pride, greed, lust, anger, bigotry, hypocrisy, materialism, worldliness, slothfulness, dishonesty, addiction, self-delusion, or any number of things that can plague our lives. God’s “Winnowing Fork” can be trials, temptations, tribulations, adversities, persecutions, etc. Or it can include other people, or circumstances we’re placed in.
Note: Most understand “Winnowing” here as Christ’s daily work in sweeping away the good and bad aspects of an individual. That if we’re not in the right place, to get us in the right place. Some see “Winnowing” here as picture of the final Day of Judgment in separating believers from unbelievers. Those who have believed in Christ and have lived obedient lives will be treated like wheat—and gathered together into heaven. whereas unbelievers and disobedient will be treated like chaff—and burned up in the fires of hell. Or “Winnowing” may mean God’s work in separating the righteous from the unrighteous. Others understand “Winnowing” as either, the preaching power of the Word in convicting and converting a person. Or the doctrines within. (cf. John 15:3) Or it could mean the dispensation of God’s providence in sweeping away unbelieving Jews and gathering in the Gentiles under a New Covenant of grace.
Note: Everyone that God will use to bring glory to Him and His Kingdom will go through the Winnowing process and many will go through it more than just one time. As you go through this Winnowing process you will notice that you will suddenly have many decisions placed before you as to which direction you are going to go in your life with God. In fact every day of our lives we are being “Winnowed” as to whether we will live for God or live for the world. God will allow every relationship, every stronghold, and every wrong condition of the heart to be brought before us in a form of a test to see if we will choose to separate our self from the things that separate us from God. For example, will you stay serving Christ or seek a relationship because you feel lonely? Will you faithfully hold on to the truth of God’s word or will you compromise with secular culture? Will you live in holiness or give way to the immorality around you”? Will you look to the world for hope or will you look to Christ? God can even bring this winnowing process right down to the size of a rice grain of thousands of little decisions we may have to make on a daily bases.
To correct us when we go astray
To perfect holiness and righteousness
To expose sin, which loves to hide like a cancer
To be a better testimony & witness to the world
To better strengthen and help others in their trials
Is there a sin or vice your still clinging onto?
Is there a prideful or righteous attitude you have of yourself?
Is there anger or bitterness your harboring in your heart?
Is there a worldly way of thinking & believing you’ve given in too
Is there a sin that is defeating you, causing you to doubt God’s love & goodness?
Is there an area you’ve backslidden or become complacent
Is there a area of hypocrisy or compromise you’ve accepted?
Is there a area where your living life like a fugitive on the run?
Is there something your still trying to serve, avoid, or fix on your own?
(For more Applications get the whole Book)
(All material is copyrighted and may be used for preaching, teaching, and instructing. And not for publication in any form without the written permission of the author.)
- Posted by David Costa/
- Notes/
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