Matthew 3:11……..Ready
“I baptise you with water for repentance.-(See 3:1-2 ) But after me will come one (Jesus) who is more powerful than I, whose sandals I am not fit to carry. (untie-John 1:27. The duty of a slave in taking their Masters sandals off as he entered the home. Expresses John’s profound humility in light of the superiority of Jesus.) He will baptise (fill, indwell, immerse) you (Present tense. Fulfilled three years later-Acts 2:1-4) with (by) the Holy Spirit and with fire.-(4442-testing, cleansing, purifying, purging. Not a fire of judgment, but a purifying fire of the Holy Spirit in burning away the dross of the old sinful nature.)
Continued From Book
“Displays the cleansing & purifying work of the Holy Spirit in making us more and more like Jesus.” ⇔ The Holy Spirit is going to purge and burn up those things that are not pleasing to God and don’t belong.
“Teaches how true leadership and greatness in God’s kingdom comes through service and humility.” ⇒ True leaders will point away from themselves and towards something greater. John’s calling was not to attract people to himself, but to draw people to Jesus. Will you always make about Jesus and not about recognition, position, title, or rank? (If our efforts in ministry do little more than call attention to ourselves or to draw people in following us, then we’ve gone wrong somewhere.) (cf. 1-Corn. 1:31, 2:1-5, 10:31, Col. 3:17, 1-Pet. 4:10-11)
“Assures the Holy Spirits’ work in our lives. He doesn’t arrive and then leave. He doesn’t start something without finishing it.” ⇔ God doesn’t say; “Now that your Saved your on you’re own, deal with it”, but rather sends the Holy Spirit to guide and direct us along the way.” (cf. John 14:16-17, 2-Corn. 5:17, 2-Tim. 1:7)
“Displays the Holy Spirit’s work in empowering men & women for service.” ⇒ Though God may call us to something we might not feel qualified, but will equip us with the power and ability to do it. No matter how unqualified you feel, trust the Holy Spirit to push you beyond your natural ability? Think about it, if you could do it yourself you wouldn’t need the Holy Spirit in the first place!)
“A question arises, how do you know your filled with the Holy Spirit? Do you have a Saving relationship with Jesus? Then you have the Holy Spirit. Do you feel guilty when you sin? Then you have the Holy Spirit. Do you feel convicted when reading God’s word? Then you have the Holy Spirit. Do you feel excited about going to Church and worshiping God? Then you have the Holy Spirit. Do you have a passion for ministry & evangelism? Then you have the Holy Spirit. Do you bear in some degree the fruits of the Holy Spirit; love, joy, peace, patience, kindness?-(Gal. 5:21-23) Then you have the Holy Spirit.” ⇒ If you’ve answered yes to any of these questions or just some of them, you can rest secured in knowing you have the Holy Spirit! Note: Although you will never be perfect, your going to continue to sin and fall short in some of these areas. You may be growing in some, and lacking in others. But that’s O.K. because the truth is, as followers of Christ, we walk a path of progression rather than a path of perfection. Some of us move along the path faster than others, but that shouldn’t be discouraging. What’s important is as long as were able to see these qualities growing more and more on a daily bases, that means the Holy Spirit is at work in your life. So you can stop worrying and stop stressing and consider yourself filled with the Spirit! But if you don’t have any of these qualities in your life. Or you find it a grudge to go to church, read your bible, or give to the Lord’s work. You may need to reexamine your faith, because if you truly repented and received Jesus as Savior, with Salvation comes the Holy Spirit! You can’t have one without the other. It’s like the saying goes; “Where there’s smoke, there’s fire”.
The Holy Spirit “Convicts & Converts”. ⇒ The Holy Spirit initiates our Salvation-(Eph. 1:13, 4:30) The First work of the Holy Spirit is to convict a persons heart, allowing them to see the truth of the Gospel. That their a sinner who needs to repent and receive Jesus.-(John 16:8-11) [Note: The Holy Spirit principally does this through the Word of God and through the preaching of the Gospel.] The Second work of the Holy Spirit is to convict a person of sin after conversion. Once we are Saved the Holy Spirit’s job isn’t finished. He continues to convict us of sin and areas of where we need to grow, or areas where were falling back into old patterns. He will convict us of things we need to surrender, people we need to forgive, or something we need to confess. The Holy Spirit convicts us in the way of guilty feelings, remorse, and regret, that we may see our sin and turn from it. The Holy Spirit is not our conscience, although sometimes He uses our conscience. Have you ever felt guilt, shame, or a lack of peace/sleep after sinning? That’s because you’ve grieved the Holy Spirit. That is why we feel bad and can’t sleep at night after we’ve sinned. [Note: Even though our sin guilt has been fully atoned for by Christ’s work on the cross, never to be addressed again. Yet the Holy Spirit still convicts us of sin when we do wrong. But its not a condemning conviction, but an informative conviction, with a view to restoration, not condemnation.] (cf. John 16:8-11, Gal. 5:17, Phil. 1:6)
The Holy Spirit “Fills & Indwells”. ⇒ The Holy Spirit takes up permanent residence, sealing, confirming and working new life in the believer.-(John 14:16, Rom. 8:15, 1-Corn. 6:19-20, Eph. 1:13-14, 1-John 4:12-14) The Holy Spirit seals a believer, guarantying the security of their Salvation. [Note: While the child of God may sin and grieve the Spirit, the Holy Spirit will never leave a true believer.] Being “filled” with the Holy Spirit is the Spirits work in permeating and flavoring our lives more and more until were made into the image of Christ. [Note: As you let the Holy Spirit lead your life, you’ll increasingly be filled with the fruits of the Spirit – fruits of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.] The filling of the Holy Spirit can vary in each believer. Though every believer has been given the Holy Spirit, not every believer lives a Spirit-filled life. To live a Spirit-filled life means to yield yourself to the control of the Spirit. The way to do that is to “let the word of Christ richly dwell within you”.-(Cols. 3:16) Being filled with the Spirit and letting the Word dwell in you are synonymous because they produce the same results: a changed heart, attitude, and behavior. Being filled with the Spirit is a continual process throughout our lives, and not something that automatically happens to us. Just because you’re indwelled with the Holy Spirit, it doesn’t mean you automatically live like it. The Holy Spirit does not control us, but fills us. Each day you have to make the determination, are you going to cooperate and walk by the Spirit – or walk by your own flesh and will.-(Gal. 5:16-18, Rom. 8:12-13) [Note: The Filling & Indwelling of the Holy Spirit is maintained by keeping our vessels clean by Confessing, Repenting, and Forsaking sin.-(1-John 1:9, Prov. 28:13) Then walking in the light of His Word (1 Jn 1:6-7). When we confess our sins, spend time in God’s word, and pray for the Holy Spirit’s leading were “Spirit-filled” and “Spirit-led”. (cf. John 3:5-8, Rom. 8:9-10, 1-Corn. 3:16, 6:15-20, 2-Corn. 1:22, Eph. 4:30, Joel 2:28, Is 44:3)
The Holy Spirit “Sanctifies & Regenerates”. ⇒ Regeneration is an instantaneous work of the Holy Spirit when we are “Born Again”, that is spiritually Regenerated & Saved.-(John 3:5-6) When we repent of our sin and believe in Jesus Christ the Holy Spirit regenerates our soul and counts us positionally righteous in God’s sight through Jesus’ Saving work on the cross, which is our “Positional Sanctification”.-(1-Corn. 6:11, 1-Thess. 5:23, 2-Thess. 2:13, Heb. 10:10) Sanctification is the Holy Spirit’s work in helping us to become more and more holy and Christ like, which is our “Progressive Sanctification”. You could say “Regeneration” is our legal position or standing before God, having been “justified” and declared “not guilty”. Whereas “Sanctification” is a life-long process where the Holy Spirit helps the believer grow holier and holier. Slowly shaping and molding us into the image of Christ. The final work of Sanctification occurs at death, when a believer is absolutely and permanently free from the presence of sin and is perfected in God’s sight, which is our “Ultimate Sanctification” or “Glorification”.-(1-Thess. 5:23, Heb. 12:23, 1-John 3:2) Though the Spirit helps us live a holy life, we also have a role in our Sanctification.-(1-Pet. 1:15-16, Philp. 2:12-13, Heb. 12:14, Lev. 11:44) Growing in holiness is not a passive thing, where we can just sit back and expect the Holy Spirit to clean up our lives. We have to be involved in the process, and we do this by reading God’s word.-(John 17:17, 2-Tim 3:16-17) Staying away from known sins-(1-Thess. 4:3) and staying free of the worlds influence.-(2-Corn. 6:17, James 1:27) Sanctification does not mean perfection, or attaining a sinless life.-(Philp. 1:6, 3:12) The Holy Spirit is not going to magically make sin go away, but He will convict us when our behavior is wrong and give us the strength to turn from it. [Note: We will still struggle with sin, we will still have anger issues, we will still gossip, we will still lust, we will still be bitter and critical of others. But we must always strive for holiness, even though we will fail at times.] (cf. Rom. 15:15-16, 1-Corn. 6:18-19, 2-Corn. 3:18, 1-Pet. 1:1-2)
The Holy Spirit “Equips & Empowers”. ⇒ The Holy Spirit equips and empowers believers to be used by God. This power is not just for preachers, evangelists, or people who work in special ministry; rather, it is available to everyone who believes and submits to the Spirit. The Holy Spirit empowers us to live the holy life we have been called to live.-(2-Pet. 1:3) The Holy Spirit enables us to walk in the grace of God, that were not perfect, but forgiven.-(2-Corn. 12:9, Heb. 4:16, Rom. 8:1-2) [Note: Walking in the grace of God is believing what God says about you and letting that guide you and guard you. It’s embracing the truth and not the lies of the enemy.] The Holy Spirit helps us overcome sin and obey God’s Word. [Note: Even though the Holy Spirit helps to set us free from our sin. However, He does not do it alone. We must do our part to fight the desires of the flesh. We can’t do this by tolerating sin, justifying sin, blame shifting sin, or managing sin. We must put sin to death through repentance.-1-John 1:8-10] The Holy Spirit helps to produce godly character and fruit in our lives. The fruits of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, self-control, etc.-(Gal .5:22-23) The Holy Spirit Equips us with special gifts & abilities for service, both great & small. Whether its preaching, teaching, serving, ministering, giving, encouraging, etc.-(1-Corn. 12:8-10, Eph. 4:7-13, Rom. 12:3-8) The Holy Spirit’s gift are usually determined by what we enjoy doing. Your likely to find your spiritual gift in the things you have a burning passion for. The Holy Spirit knows our natural talents and what area of ministry we’re best suited for in the service of the Gospel. As an example, a Christian vocalist may have the spiritual gift of evangelism being expressed through the vehicle of musical talent. Often times others may see a gift in us long before we ourselves are aware of it. The Holy Spirit will not put you into a position or ask you to accomplish a task for which He will not fully equip and enable you to do. (cf. Matt. 10:19-20, Rom. 12:3-8, 1-Corn. 12:1-11, Eph. 4:7-13) Not only does the Holy Spirit supply us with special gifts, but He also empowers us with boldness and determination in doing the will and work of God.-(Acts 8:29) [Note: This gift is primarily for the empowerment to witness boldly to others-(Acts 1:8) and to live victoriously for the cause of Christ and glory of the Father.]
The Holy Spirit “Guides & Directs”. ⇒ The Holy Spirit continues to guide and direct us after our conversion. He will guide us in the direction we need to go. The Holy Spirit illuminates the areas of our lives to give us a clear vision of God’s purpose. The most common way the Holy Spirit leads and directs our steps is through God’s Word. The Bible is the ultimate source the Holy Spirit uses in giving us guidance and direction in how we should live and act. [Note: There are some things that Scripture does not inform us about directly. Questions like “Who should I marry”? “Where should I work”? “Where should I live”? etc., things that are often puzzling for Christians as we seek God’s guidance. Not knowing if this is our own desire or if its God’s direction. But again, if our hearts and minds are yielded to God, and are wholeheartedly seeking His will and guidance, any decision a believer makes, or any path he or she decides (provided it doesn’t go against Scripture or what is sinful) can be trusted as God’s plan.] The Holy spirit also leads us through “Promptings & Quickenings”. The Holy Spirit will give us a strong check in our spirit. These inner Leadings can prevent things like going down the wrong path, taking the wrong job, marrying the wrong person, getting hooked up with the wrong people, etc. [Note: When it comes to promptings we need to be careful. Some promptings can be good, while others can be bad: Some can come from the Holy Spirit. Some can come from our own heart.-(Jer. 17:9) Some promptings can even come from the devil himself, as he enticed Judas to betray Jesus.-(Luke 22:3) As time goes by you’ll get better in knowing when these promptings are coming from God, the devil, or from your own natural desires & emotions. These promptings will usually involve a gripping uneasiness, you’ll have a hesitation in your spirit or a lack of peace. If your still not certain, the best thing to do is that when you get these promptings in your spirit to do something, make sure it’s inline with God’s Word. Does it agree with Scripture? If the answer is yes, then it is from God. If not, then it could be either from you or an evil spirit. ] (cf. 1-John 4:1) The Holy Spirit also leads us through circumstances by opening and closing doors. What we see as barriers & obstacles are often in fact the Holy Spirits way of telling us not to go in that direction. [Note: If your being stopped time and time again by circumstances, that’s usually a sign that God wants you do go in a different direction, or maybe the timing is not yet right. In the Book of Acts the Holy Spirit hindered Paul from going to some places, and permitted him to go to others.-(Acts 16:6-10, 2-Corn. 2:12-13) Opening and closing of doors can be tricky, because an open door doesn’t always mean something is God’s will. [Note: Jonah happened on a ship to Tarshish, but God’s will for him was 180 degrees the opposite direction.] Likewise, a closed door doesn’t always mean something is not God’s will. [Note: In Paul’s explanation to the Corinthians of why he would stay in Ephesus, he notes “Many difficulties lay ahead of him”. He didn’t interpret these difficulties as evidence God wanted him to leave, but to stay.-(1-Corn. 16:8)] (cf. Ps. 119:105, Prov. 3:5, 16:9, Is. 48:17)
The Holy Spirit “Comforts & Encourages”. ⇒ One way the Holy Spirit comforts and encourages us is through the truth of God’s Word, reminding us of God’s love and all that Christ has done for us.-(Rom. 15:4) The Holy Spirit helps the believer to be assured and comforted by the reality of his or her Salvation. The Holy Spirit also comforts us spiritually by alleviating our sin guilt by sharing God’s love & forgiveness.-(cf. Rom. 5:20) [Note: When you’re tempted to think God has reached His limit with you, or is fed up with you, the Spirit steps in and reminds you of- “The steadfast love of God”. So when your tempted to give up, or feel that God has abandon you, or thinking you have sinned past the point of God’s mercy and patience. You need to remind yourself of the Holy Spirit’s promise, that no matter how much you’ve sinned and fallen short you can be forgiven and restored by God’s grace.]-(Rom. 8:1) Today, the greatest comfort you can have is knowing that you still have time to turn around and get right with God. (cf. John 8:15, 8:26, 10:29, 14:16, 15:4, Ps. 23:4, 34:18, 94:18-19, Rom. 8:1, 8:15, 8:35, 15:13, 2-Corn. 1:3-5, 13:14, Matt. 5:4, 2-Thess. 2:16-17, 1-Pet. 4:12-19)
The Holy Spirit “Teaches & Instructs. The Holy Spirit helps us to better understand God’s Word. The Holy Spirit teaches and reveals the meaning of Scripture. He often brings to memory certain verses and truths from Scripture.-(John 14:26) There’ll be times when a Scripture verse you read years ago will pop into your head? That will be the Holy Spirit reminding you what to do or how to handle it. Or maybe you suddenly saw something in the Bible you had never seen before? The truth had been there all along, but it had been hidden from your eyes. Then suddenly one day, it was as if someone pulled the covers off, and it literally jumped off the pages in front of you. That will be the Holy Spirit opening your eyes to a spiritual truth. [Note: If the Holy Spirit is going to bring to memory the appropriate Scripture verses when you need them, its important to spend as much quality time as you can in soaking up the Word of God.] The Holy Spirit will help us to interpret and apply the Word of God correctly, that we may discern from what is true from what is false. The Holy Spirit is our source of wisdom, revelation. and understanding.-(Eph. 1:17) ) The Holy Spirit endows the Christian with discernment that they will not be deceived by lies and false doctrines. [Note: A believer may be confused at times, but the Holy Spirit will never allow him or her to be led away or to depart from the faith.] The Holy Spirit will give us words to speak when our faith is challenged and tested,-(Matt. 10:19-20) or when doubt sets in. There are many things that we will find difficult to understand and accept—troubles in our own lives, why God allows suffering, etc. Rather than get discouraged, trust that God has all the answers you need! Will you surrender the issue to the Holy Spirit and allow Him to reveal the answer to you in His own time? If you don’t find it right away, keep praying and reading God’s Word it will eventually come.] (cf. John 14:25-26, 16:7, 17:17, Luke 24:44-45, Rom. 12:2, 1-Corn. 2:10-14, Phil. 4:8, Heb. 8:10-11, 10:16, 2-Tim. 3:16-17, 1-John 2:27, James 1:5)
Additional Notes & Applications
Displays the humble character of John the Baptist. If John felt unqualified to serve the Lord how much more should we. This should be the same humble attitude for us as well, that whatever honor or blessing we’ve received is not a result of our qualifications, but of God’s mercy & grace.
Teaches how real inner change can only come through the work of the Holy Spirit, and not by our own efforts and power. Have you ever tried to effect real and lasting change on your own? Have you attempted to lose weight, quit smoking, leave off gambling and betting on the horses, or spending beyond your limits only to fail? Willpower is fleeting, for it relies exclusively on self-will and self-effort. Real change, lasting change that bears fruit can only come about through the work and power of the Holy Spirit.
Teaches how just like John the Baptist we can’t Save anyone, but we can point them to the One who can. This reminds me that I’m not God. I cannot change people. I can only do what God would have me to do or say, but it is God who brings about real internal transformation and changes in the heart of the people in my life.
-Holy Spirit–Meaning: The Holy Spirit is not a mystical power, the Holy Spirit is not some sort of ghostlike apparition like Casper the Friendly Ghost, but a Person. The Holy Spirit is spoken of in the bible by way of a personal pronoun, as “He” not as “It”.-(cf. John 14:26, 16:13) The Holy Spirit is the Third Person of the Trinity/Godhead. The Holy Spirit is divine and co-equal with God the Father and God the Son.-(Gen. 1:26, 1-Corn. 2:10-11, 3:16) The Holy Spirit was the agent in creation;-(Gen. 1:1-2) The Holy Spirit enabled men of God in the Old Testament to do great and mighty works.-(Numb. 11:16-30) The Holy Spirit is a person who has a mind, intelligence, and personality. Who thinks and feels. The Holy Spirit speaks-(Acts 8:29) The Holy Spirit makes decisions.-(Acts 15:28) The Holy Spirit can be grieved when blasphemed against.-(Matt. 12:31, Eph. 4:30, Heb. 10:29) The Holy Spirit dwells and resides permanently in believers.-(John 14:17) There’s not a Christian who doesn’t possess the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit acts as our Advocate. He is our champion, our supporter, and our biggest fan. He is there to render aid, assistance, and support whenever we need it. The role of the Holy Spirit is not an optional extra, He is the very essence of our relationship with the God the Father. The Holy Spirit dwells within us and equips us with everything we need to live the Christian life. Not only does the Holy Spirit equip us, but He guides us toward achieving the divine purposes and work God created us for.
-fire-Meaning: Most view this here as the refining & purifying process of the Holy Spirit’s work upon believers in living more holy and sanctified lives. It is commonly compared to the refining & purifying process a Silversmith would use to purge the dross from gold & silver in having all the impurities burned off in a furnace. To refine gold, heat must be applied to force the impurities to the surface. This process continues over and over again, heat is applied and re-applied until all the impurities come to the surface and are then skimmed off and only the pure gold is left. The refiner knows the gold is pure when he looks into the gold and sees his clear reflection. The Holy Spirit works the same purifying process in us until were transformed more and more into the image of Christ. The Holy Spirit as a fire can come in many ways. The Holy Spirit’s fire can come by way of difficulties or trials in order to build character. As an example an “Illness” may be designed to give us a new appreciation for what’s important in life. “Financial” difficulties may bring materialism to the surface. “Loneliness” may bring idolatry to the surface. “Relational struggles” can bring bitterness or unforgiveness to the surface. “Disappointment” at work may bring pride to the surface. The heat and trials of our lives are not evidence God is cruel or has left us, but ultimately are evidence of how much God values us and His desire to refine our character and grow us into who He created us to be. God values us and loves us too much to leave us the way we are. Going through the process of the Holy Spirit’s fire may not be pleasant or feel good. But the results are wonderful. Everyone wants to be purified like Gold. But not everyone wants to pay the price. We all want the gold of having the nature of Jesus Christ in our lives. But some people have the misconception that some how God is just going to give us an infusion or injection that will suddenly make us just like Jesus. No! It’s a purifying and cleansing process that takes time and it can’t be gained any other way.
Most view this baptism of the Holy Spirit here as a one-time event at conversion. (1-Corn. 12:13) Others view a second outpouring of the Holy Spirit after Salvation, which a believer receives greater anointing, power, and gifts for service. (John 20:22, Acts 1:2-5, 2:1-4, 8:13-17, 19:2-6)
Apart from the book of Acts the only visible signs of Holy Spirit’s fire was when He came upon early believers of Church in the form of “flames of fire”, where they immediately began to speak in tongues.-(Acts 2:1-4) And again after Peter & John prayed and laid hands on a group of Samaritans they received the Holy Spirit.-(Acts 8:14-17) Not everyone will experience such a supernatural manifestation of the Holy Spirit. Some say we can’t use Acts as a pattern for our time, that the early Apostles were a unique group, and that Acts represents a special epoch of apostolic history, and not the norm. Being filled with the Holy Spirit is not so much an outward sign, but more often the bible speaks of it in terms as the actions of the heart that begins through repentance and believing on Christ. The moment a person repents and believes on Jesus as Savior they receive the Holy Spirit. As Peter proclaimed ‘Repent, and let every one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins; and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit’”.-(cf. John 7:37-39, Acts 2:37-38, Eph. 1:13) Our encounters with the Holy Spirit vary from person to person. Our experiences might be emotional or non-emotional. Some people experience an ecstatic joy of uncontrolled laughing, singing, shouting, dancing, rolling on the floor, etc. others will not. We may or may not speak in tongues. In some denominations [e.g. Pentecostal, Apostolic, etc.] hold that speaking & praying in tongues is proof that a person is Saved or that they have the Holy Spirit. [Note: Speaking in tongues is not proof of Salvation, but a manifestation of an inner reality that has already taken place, it is not in of itself the reality.-cf. 1-Corn. 14:1-39]
After receiving the Holy Spirit our part is not finished. It is up to us to keep stoking/fanning the Holy Spirit’s fire. Just like you stoke a natural fire by throwing coal and fuel on it so it will not go out, so too we need to keep stoking the Holy Spirit’s fire through prayer, worship, study, fellowship, and ministry. One of the surest ways to quench the Holy Spirit is through simple neglect! Neglect the Holy Spirit, and it will become dormant if given time, and will simply go out altogether. That’s why its important that we don’t keep shutting our ears to the Holy Spirit’s voice. Instead of saying “I don’t want to work on that right now”, or “Can’t we give up these other sins instead”? It’s time for us to say, “Yes, Lord, I’ll do what You say. I’ll obey what You tell me to do!” “I’ll give up whatever sin You want me to!” When you adopt this attitude, you start putting fuel back on the fire again! Every time we say, “Yes, Lord,” and follow through with obedience, we stoke the coals and cause the Holy Spirit’s fire to burn more brightly in our life. [Note: The more we resist Him, the longer the process will take. The more we cooperate with Him, the faster it will go.]
A Spirit filled believer will be under the Holy Spirit’s influence and control
A Spirit filled believer will stay thirsty for Christ and His word/teachings
A Spirit filled believer will hunger & thirst after righteousness
A Spirit filled believer will spend time reading, studying, and growing in God’s Word
A Spirit filled believer will be on fire for the Lord, speaking about all that Jesus has done
A Spirit filled believer will be bold & fearless in their witness for Christ.
A Spirit filled believer will possess a fortitude & determination that will not quit or give up
A Spirit filled believer will pray daily for God’s strength and guidance
A Spirit filled believer will live sacrificially on behalf of the needs of others
A Spirit filled believer will counsel someone with a wisdom that surprised them and beyond what they had previously known
A Spirit filled believer will confess sin as soon as they become aware of it (And seek God’s help to overcome it)
A Spirit filled believer will grow in holiness and self-control
A Spirit filled believer will worship & attend Church regularly
A Spirit filled believer will have a heart for the lost, hurting, and suffering around them
A Spirit filled believer will praise God’s love & goodness even in the storms & trials of life
A Spirit filled believer will be grateful & thankful in all things, whether good or bad
A Spirit filled believer will have the power to perform a task or carry a heavy burden that was beyond them
A Spirit filled believer will be humble, gentle, and meek towards others
A spirit filled believer will strive to maintain peace, even at their own personal cost
A Spirit filled believer will bear the fruits of love, joy, peace, patience, and kindness
A Spirit filled believer will go beyond being merely religious to following & obeying God from the heart
A Spirit filled believer will stay faithful to their word, even in small matters
The bonds of addictions & drugs we were once in, we have now broken free off
The foul mouth we use to have before, we no longer talk that way (or a least no publicly)
The sinful things we once enjoyed, we now long after Jesus and holy things
The things we were once filling the void of our lives with, we now fill with Jesus
The worldly standards we used to live by, we now live by God’s standards
The sinful music, movies, TV shows, lifestyles we used to find attractive, we now find offensive
The self-centered life we once lived, we now live for Christ and others
The things we once found our identity, success, and popularity in, we now find in God
The judgmental & critical heart we once had before, we are now more loving, kind, patient, and caring
The lack of sympathy & compassion we had for others, we now find ourselves praying for them
The struggles & hardships we once feared, we now know God is with us, working all things for our good
The anger & pain we used to hang on too, we now forgive and let go
The wrong crowds of people we once hung out with, we now spend less time with
The Holy Spirit cannot take your Salvation away, no matter how many times you’ve blown it
The Holy Spirit won’t make decisions for you, He will advise & counsel you, but you must chose
The Holy Spirit will not have you earn your Salvation by works or obeying the Commandments, but by grace and what Christ has already done
The Holy Spirit is not going to make God love or value you more, rather He makes us love & value God more
The Holy Spirit will never give you pain, hardships, or sickness to teach you a lesson
The Holy Spirit will not call you to do something without empowering you to do it
The Holy Spirit does not give you more of God (You have the fullness of God already)
The Holy Spirit does not make you fearful, desperate, or confused
The Holy Spirit cannot leave you or forsake you
The Holy Spirit does not make you beg or plead for God to provide
The Holy Spirit does not protect you from sin & temptation
The Holy Spirit will not keep you from illness or sickness
The Holy Spirit will not tell you who to marry, where to move, or what job to take
The Holy Spirit does not persuade God about us
We Quench the Holy Spirit’s fire when we fail to confess & repent of sin
We Quench the Holy Spirit’s fire when we rebel & resist His prompting, leading, voice
We Quench the Holy Spirit’s fire when we neglect to study & grow in God’s word
We Quench the Holy Spirit’s fire when we fail to respond & participate in the Sanctification process
We Quench the Holy Spirit’s fire when we pass up opportunities to be used by Him
We Quench the Holy Spirit’s fire when we fail to fan the flame of God’s gift
We Quench the Holy Spirit’s fire when we approach God only for what He can do for us, not for who He is
We Quench the Holy Spirit’s fire when we fail to give praise & thanks to God in all things, whether good or bad
We Quench the Holy Spirit’s fire when we fail to make time & space for prayer, worship, and service
We Quench the Holy Spirit’s fire when we try to run our life’s by our own power & strength rather than God’s power
We Quench the Holy Spirit’s fire when we pass up opportunities to share our faith with other people
We Quench the Holy Spirit’s fire when we harbor bitterness & unforgiveness in our hearts
We Quench the Holy Spirit’s fire when we diminish His person-hood to some type of impersonal force or influence
We Quench the Holy Spirit’s fire when we in-cooperate legalistic rules & works over that of God’s Grace
We Quench the Holy Spirits fire when we in-cooperate ridged structures of worship that does not permit the spontaneous movement of the Holy Spirit
We Stoke the Holy Spirit’s fire by confessing & repenting of sin
We Stoke the Holy Spirit’s fire by spending time in prayer, worship, and reading God’s Word
We Stoke the Holy Spirit’s fire by submitting to His control, allowing Him to move & work in our lives
We Stoke the Holy Spirit’s fire by using our gifts to serve the Lord and others
We Stoke the Holy Spirit’s fire by staying free of sin and the cultures influence
We Stoke the Holy Spirit’s fire by fellowshiping with Spirit filled believers who are on fire for the Lord
We Stoke the Holy Spirit’s fire by walking in the spirit and not the flesh
We Stoke the Holy Spirits fire by cleansing our hearts of anger, hate, bitterness, unforgiveness, etc.
We Stoke the Holy Spirit’s fire by using our gifts & talents to serve and help others
We Stoke the Holy Spirits fire by witnessing & sharing our faith with others
(For more Applications get the whole Book)
(All material is copyrighted and may be used for preaching, teaching, and instructing. And not for publication in any form without the written permission of the author.)
- Posted by David Costa/
- Notes/
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