Matthew 2:9-10…..Ready
After they had heard the king, they went on their way, and the star they had seen in the east went ahead of them (went before-K.J.V. Appeared again-L. B. V.) until it stopped over the place where the child was.10 When they saw the star, (for the second time.) they were overjoyed. (Jubilant, elated, deliriously, laughing, crying, jumping up and down!)
Continued From Book
“Teaches how our journey of faith will not be in vain or an empty exorcise. True seekers of Christ will find Him!” ⇒ Promises how God will meet our searching with His revelation. Can you list some ways God has brought to faith in Christ? What verses or arguments did God use to convict you and convert you? What prayers did God answer? What hurdles of faith did God help you overcome?
“Teaches how true faith is doing what God wants without having all the answers. The Magi set off, trusting it would all work out.”
“Calls for not allowing the indifference of others to discourage us from seeking Christ, even if we have to go it alone.” ⇒ Family and friends who don’t understand God’s call on your life will try to discourage you. That’s why if God has shown you a star, if God has given you a vision, if God has sent you a dream, then no matter who doesn’t understand, follow your star. Even if you have to travel alone, follow your star. For wise people always follow their stars.
“Displays the type of rejoicing and elation that comes to all who find Christ, knowing their sins are forgiven.”
“Even today whatever your looking for – love, joy, peace, hope, purpose, forgiveness can all be found in Christ Jesus and more.”
Additional Notes & Applications
Teaches how those who are earnestly seeking after God will find God! (Just as the Magi found God in answer to their sincere seeking so will we!) (cf. Deut. 4:29)
Teaches how just as the Star fulfilled every expectation the Magi were hoping for. So to with Jesus you’ll never end up empty, dissatisfied, or unfulfilled!
Calls for having the same perseverance and determination in pressing forward in our walk with God while so many around us are apathetic. Will you have the courage and fortitude in staying true to God and doing what is right even if you have to go it alone?
Displays how once the Magi responded and acted on faith, the Lord gave them more light. Itis also true with us, that if we will earnestly seek God, listen to Him, obey Him, and act accordingly, He will reward us with greater confirmations of faith!] (cf. Matt. 13:10-17, Heb. 11:6)
Displays the type of joy that comes to all believers after experiencing great breakthroughs from the Lord! Do you find Jesus fulfilling and cutting through all your sinful cravings, addictions, griefs, sorrows, lusts, covetousness, materialism, and busyness?
Displays the faithfulness of God, that when we’re miserable, weary, discouraged, and tempted to give up God will always pull through and provide a star to encourage us! No matter how bleak and dismal things may look, know you can take joy and encouragement at the end of it all!
Teaches how there should be no greater joy in knowing that all is well with our souls, that our sins have been cleansed and dealt with by God. (Do you take joy in the fact that your Saved and going to heaven even when things aren’t going so well.) (cf. Ps. 32:1, Rom. 4:7)
Calls for making Jesus our source of all joy and satisfaction, that without Him our life’s would be empty and void. (Know that there’s nothing in this world that will satisfy and bring what Christ can bring!) (cf. John 6:68)
Teaches how things often turn out just as God promised. You spend your whole life looking for something to fill the void within you. Something that will guide you. You look for years and years until suddenly you find it.
Teaches how the real joy comes from giving gifts and not getting them. Have you got to that place where you get more pleasure at giving than receiving?
Emphasizes how true joy is found in following after Jesus. (Just as Jesus gave the Magi a life of joy and fulfillment that they could not find in what this world offers, so to with us!)
Displays the faithfulness of God, that when we’re miserable, weary, discouraged, and tempted to give up, God will always pull through and provide a star to encourage us! No matter how bleak, dismal, or dark things may look, know you can take joy and encouragement at the end of it all!
Note: What happened to the Magi is also true in life, we spend a lot of our journey in the dark. God guides us to a certain college or career, or He leads us to a certain profession and job not knowing what lies ahead. Or will have great vision that this is the direction God wants us to take, only to be followed by stretches of darkness and doubt, not realizing that God was there with us the whole time!
Note: When it says “When they saw the star”, it seems that while they were in Jerusalem, meeting with Herod, they lost site of the star. Only after Herod sent them on their way, a wonderful thing happened. They caught sight of their star. It had been there all along, but their side trip to see Herod had blocked their view. But once they left his presence, when they left the evil, the star reappeared. Which goes to show the need to stay away from the sin and evil around us, or it can block God’s guidance and direction.
(For Additional Applications get the whole Book) 
(All material is copyrighted and may be used for preaching, teaching, and instructing. And not for publication in any form without the written permission of the author.)
- Posted by David Costa/
- Notes/
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