Matthew 2:4-6…….Ready
When he (Herod) had called together all the people’s chief priests and teachers of the law, (Scribes-K.J.V. i.e. Jewish religious scholars.) he asked them where the Christ (5547-Grk-Christos, Anointed One, Messiah.. Demonstrates Herod’s understanding of the Messianic implications of the Magi’s report.) was to be born. 5 “In Bethlehem in Judea,” they replied, “for this is what the prophet has written: (Micah 700 years earlier.) 6 “‘But you, Bethlehem, in the land of Judah, are by no means least among the rulers of Judah; (Though it be insignificant city, It would be highly honored and celebrated as the birthplace of the Messiah.) for out of you will come a ruler (King) who will be the shepherd (Lord, Savior, deliverer) of my people Israel.” (Mic. 5:2 LXX)
Continued From Book
“Displays how many can explain the Gospel story, yet never have a personally relationship with Jesus as Lord & Savior!” ⇔ Dear friend, you cannot be Saved by just knowing ABOUT Jesus, you have to repent and surrender your life over to Him.
“Teaches the importance of consulting the Bible for answers and direction in life.” ⇔ God’s Word is the primary source for guidance and direction in life. If you’re wondering about the future, the coming year, your eternal destiny, God’s purpose for your life, etc. it is in the bible. If your looking for hope, comfort, encouragement, confirmation it’s in the bible. Do you seek explanations and solutions from God’s word, like going to Prophecy & Proverbs, or from what your friends and the world will tell you?
“Teaches how the bible is there to help us know, obey, and worship God, and not just a book of facts and interesting stories.”
“Teaches though knowing the scriptures is important and necessary. But just knowing the bible is not the same as actually believing the bible or even doing what the bible says!” ⇔ You can know the path of victory over sin, but you must be willing to follow it. You can know all about the fruit of the Holy Spirit, but if you do not surrender to the Spirit, all the knowledge of the fruit of the Spirit is useless. It’s not enough to know what the Bible says about loving ones neighbor—you must act upon it. It’s not enough to know there are things that need purged out of your life and habits that need to be broken—You must consciously purify your life from them.
“Teaches how many can have all the facts, the right books, the right answers, but not the right faith of the Magi.” ⇔ There’s a lesson to be learned here, and that is, just knowing the facts is simply not enough! Being able to recite the Scriptures is no indication that you have truly believed them! There are many people who have all the traditions down. They know about the angels, Mary, Joseph, and the manger scene. They know about the Savior born in Bethlehem. Yet, having all those facts, they have no true faith. They have yet to respond to what God has done for them in Christ.
“Teaches how men can be knowledgeable of the bible, but indifferent at heart. Many have head knowledge, but not heart knowledge.” ⇔ Just talking about Jesus is not the same thing as trusting, obeying, and following Jesus! (Matt. 7:21-23, 15:8)
“Teaches how God can bring greatness out of the ordinary.” ⇔ Don’t allow your environment to dictate your destiny. Jesus came from humble beginnings and look how much He impacted history. Though your life may have been wrapped in humble beginnings, but know that God can do great things through you. The world may consider us ordinary, insignificant, foolish and weak; but God delights in using the ordinary for His great purposes.
“Even today, believers need to be careful that we don’t become just as indifferent as the chief priests. That we’ve become so familiar with the Gospel. We know all about the Christmas and Easter stories that it doesn’t really move us anymore as it used too. Jesus, yeah, I know about Him. I know the Bible stories and I know some of what He teaches and expects of me, but it really doesn’t matter.”
“What’s amazing about the religious leaders, they knew what the prophecies said about Christ, but didn’t do anything with it themselves. They never rejoiced or even made an effort to join the Magi on their short five-mile hike to Bethlehem! Not only were these same religious leaders indifferent towards the child King, but they will later participate in plotting His death. Which goes to show how the bar between being indifferent towards Jesus and crucifying Him is a very thin line.”
Additional Notes & Applications
Displays the type of person who can have head knowledge of Christ but no heart knowledge. (Just talking about Jesus is not the same thing as trusting, obeying, and following Jesus!) (Matt. 7:21-23, 15:8)
Displays how many can know the things about God or the bible without being affected by it, or show any real interest to investigate or explore it further! (When you examine the scriptures does it make your heart soar in wanting to know more or is it a minor matter?)
Warns how many people can hear the Gospel and respond to the promises of God, but have no real follow-through when the invitation is given or when alter calls are announced!
Calls believers to action, has the knowledge of Christ affected you and changed your life, or are you so used to Jesus that He’s not a big deal anymore?
Displays how many can have the right pedigree, the right background, the right theology, the right creed, the right books, the right traditions, the right intent, etc. but not have the right heart or the right faith of the Magi.
Warns against being someone who sits in Church week in and week out and hears the Word of God but are never moved to respond to it or put it into practice. (When you hear God’s word does it stir you to action in wanting to obey it and follow it or is it a trivial matter?)
Warns how knowing the bible is not the same thing as knowing and worshiping Jesus! That being a good church goer is not equal to knowing Jesus, singing the hymns just right is not equal to knowing Jesus, going to Sunday school is not equal to knowing Jesus, signing a decision card is not equal to knowing Jesus, attending a revival meeting is not equal to knowing Jesus, giving donations at Christmas time is not equal to knowing Jesus, or sacrificing for some great cause is not equal to knowing Jesus.
(For more Applications get the whole Book)
(All material is copyrighted and may be used for preaching, teaching, and instructing. And not for publication in any form without the written permission of the author.)
- Posted by David Costa/
- Notes/
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