Matthew 2:3……….Ready
When King Herod heard this he was disturbed, and all Jerusalem with him.
Continued From Book
“Teaches how many are more worried about giving up the throne of their lives to Jesus than Saving their souls.” ⇔ Many fear what Jesus’ claims means. If Jesus is King that means I have to go. If Jesus is Lord, then we’re not. If Jesus is on the throne, then I have to step down.
“Teaches how those who are living outside the Lordship of Christ will feel guilty and disturbed for the way they’re living.” ⇔ Many know at a deeper level that there are some moral and ethical issues that need to be dealt with!
“Teaches how many are fine with a baby Jesus in a manger. But a Jesus who makes claims on their lives, well that’s another story.” ⇔ Many don’t mind singing “Silent Night”, but singing “I Surrender all to Thee” is a little much for them to bear. Their all for a loving and forgiving Jesus who will give them what they want. But the moment you talk about Jesus as Lord, they begin to back off. Like Herod, many are willing to put up with stories of stars, angels, and babies, but when you start talking about a Savior who is both Lord & King, that’s a little to much.
“Teaches how when you start talking about Jesus’ rule and authority it makes people uneasy, fearing the changes they’ll have to make.” ⇔ Holy and godly living will be add odds with the world’s values, making them feel guilty about their sinful way of living, their consciences even accusing and condemning them. (cf. Rom. 2:15)
“Teaches how many are comfortable with the status quo.” ⇔ People who have vested interests in maintaining the status quo do not want that status quo disturbed. Jerusalem should have been happy with the arrival of a new King, yet they weren’t. They didn’t really like Herod, and they hated living under Roman rule, but they just weren’t that eager for an uprising and a major change in their way of life. Unfortunately, there are many people today who recognize what a change it will mean for them to follow Jesus. It is not that they are particularly happy with the way life is, but they aren’t quite desperate enough to repent and give their life completely over to King Jesus. As an example, many want to be Saved, but at what price? At the cost of the conflict it will have within the family. At the cost of the major changes that will have to be made to their lives. At the cost of changing occupations? At the cost of leaving sinful pleasures behind?
“Even today, If Christ is going to sit on the throne of my life, if He is to rule in my heart, that means I have to go. You cannot Find Jesus when your King of your own life. You must give Him complete Rule and Authority.” ⇔ What about you? Do you think you can run your life, that you know better than God? Do you think that you have everything under control? That you don’t need anyone to tell you how to live or what to do. If you think that your too significant or too educated, God has a way of humbling you!
Additional Notes & Applications
Teaches how those we witness to about Christ and the Gospel will not share our same joy or enthusiasm. Don’t be so naïve to think that just because we’ve encountered the Good News of the Gospel all people will understand God’s love and receive Christ with open arms just as we did!
Teaches how there’s a prideful rebellious nature deep down inside of us that we’re going live for ourselves. We’re going to make our own decisions. We’re going to do things our own way, as we see fit and no ones going to tell us different.
Warns against the type of faith that fears the repercussions of what man can do over what God is doing and accomplishing. Do you worry that worshiping God may mean disruptions in your own life, trouble in your marriage, strife at work, or fallout with friends?
Displays how those who don’t know the Word or Love of God will only see dome and gloom. (Are you resting your faith in religion and your own good works, or in God’s grace and forgiveness?) (cf. 1-John 4:18)
Calls for self-examination. Are you disturbed by the truth? When you hear the word of God does it bring you joy or unrest. Do you see all of your blemishes and shortcomings and want to run and hide? (cf. John 3:19-21)
Displays the convicting work of God’s word, Herod was troubled because God’s word was piercing his heart. Have you ever been there, you know God is speaking to you. You feel the preachers sermon that morning was directed primarily towards you, even thinking somehow the preacher’s been spying on you–how could he know so much about me?
Displays the paranoid feelings of those who are merely pretending, always wondering when their qualifications and legitimacy to a job, promotion, or position will be called into question and taken from them. If you want to be free of the fear of being found out, be truthful on your resume or when applying for a job, apartment, school, etc. And don’t lie about your experience, education, or work history.
Note: Though it may seem at first glance that Herod may have over-reacted to the news of a new born “king of the Jews”. But one needs to keep in mind that Herod was only appointed as the king of the Jews by Rome, and was not a real Jew by birth, but an Edomite and descendant of Esau. [See Herod’s ancestry-line P. 30 in book]) And knew that his legitimacy to the throne could be seriously challenged if not dealt with immediately. Others question why Herod, who was living out his final years at this time [70 years of age] would even care, seeing that he would probably be dead and buried by the time baby Jesus grew up and became any real threat to his throne. Scholars conclude that because of discontent to Herod’s rule was already running high at this time, any rumor of a king being born could cause a small spark, creating a firestorm of revolution and growing opposition.
-All Jerusalem with him-Meaning: Does not mean all the inhabitants and citizens of the city, but rather only of the majority. Others take it to mean only those who resided in Herod’s palace/court. That they found out about the Magi and their quest when they road into the city announcing their arrival with pomp and fanfare. Or they got wind of Herod’s anxious fears that spread like wildfire throughout the palace guard.
(For additional Applications get the whole Book)
(All material is copyrighted and may be used for preaching, teaching, and instructing. And not for publication in any form without the written permission of the author.)
- Posted by David Costa/
- Notes/
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