Matthew 2:19-22…Ready
After Herod died, (Historical records place Herod’s death at Jericho in March or April 4 B.C. at the age of 70.) an angel of the Lord appeared in a dream to Joseph in Egypt 20 and said, “Get up, take the child and his mother and go to the land of Israel, for those who were trying to take the child’s life are dead.”( Some see the plural as suggesting the complicity of the chief priests & scribes-2:4) 21 So he got up, took the child and his mother and went to the land of Israel. 22 But when he heard that Archelaus was reigning in Judea in place of his father Herod, he was afraid to go there. (Suggests Archelaus possessed the same cruel and brutal disposition as that of his father king Herod. Even having 3000 people put to death during one Passover.-{cf. Joseph. Book 17, 9:3} Having been warned in a dream, he withdrew to the district of Galilee, (Governed by Herod’s son Antipas, a more gentle ruler, having a milder disposition.)
Continued From Book
“Calls for obeying God’s directions without hesitation or delay. Joseph didn’t know what lay ahead, he simply obeys God. ⇒ Joseph didn’t know what the future would hold, yet he obeyed God’s instructions without debate, will you do the same?
“Teaches since everything we work to build or serve will come to an end. How much more should we put our faith and hope in Jesus.”
Teaches how the will of God is often learned a step at a time. God did not give Joseph a step by step play book. ⇒ God often does not reveal more than one step at a time. That If we obey the first step, He will reveal the next step. God out of His mercy does this for good reason, that if we knew before hand we would probably shrink back out of fear of what lay ahead.
Teaches as we stay faithful in following and obeying divine directives God will direct us further as needed. ⇒The words “After Herod died” shows the perseverance of Joseph’s faith. Joseph kept his feet firm in Egypt, till he was given further command by God to return to his native country. Obeying what you already know is the will of God (as Joseph did) is vital to learning more about the will of God. Having God’s continual direction begins with a faith that stays obeying. Those who are living in the center of God’s will comes further guidance and protection.
Teaches just as the news of Herod’s death was encouragement for Joseph to obey the commands he was given. So to we can look for these encouragements in every command God gives us as well.
Calls for trusting that God is still at work even when things don’t go according to plan as we expected. ⇒ Sometimes, in the middle of God’s plan things don’t work out as we expected. I’m sure there were times when Joseph and Mary wondered, “God, how come things aren’t working out as you said”?
Displays God’s faithfulness and continued providence, working for our good even in the midst of unexpected detours of life. ⇒ Know where one door closes, God opens another!
Teaches even when we’re obeying God, hardships and difficulties are far from over. Herod’s death did not make the holy families problems go away. ⇒ God does not make the problems and troubles of life go away, but provides a way through them. Not only will we have multiple sources of opposition, but even the unseen forces of evil will conspire against us, doing everything to bring us down.
Teaches since situations often change without notice, how much more do we need to rely on God each day for His direction and protection.
Teaches when life throws us a curve ball, God has a backup plan. Where Plan A fails, God has a Plan B.
Teaches as we live in the center of God’s will, God will be there to confirm our fears and suspicions, that were doing the right thing.
Teaches how faith is not blind but also intelligent. Faith tells us to trust God, common sense tells us to wait.
Even today in times of worry and uncertainties God will be there to advise us in which way to go. Have there been times when you faced a threatening person, situation, or dilemma that you were unsure how to handle and God showed up and helped you safely through it?
Additional Notes & Applications
Calls for a faith that doesn’t need all the facts or every detail to be spelled out to us before we’re willing to act and obey!
Gives assurance that nothing and no one who causes fear shall alter God’s plan and Jesus’ work in Saving people regardless of who “rules”.
Teaches how God’s plan is always perfect. Nothing ever occurs that surprises God or God doesn’t have an answer for! (To be continued)
Teaches because it was only after Herod DIED, they knew they could leave for Israel. What a negative legacy — for people to be free when you die. Some of us may play the roll of an obstacle person.
Teaches how God is actively involved in ensuring that we succeed. God will move heaven and earth, and whatever else it takes to see that we succeed in accomplishing the plans and goals that He has for our lives!
Encourages how God takes care of all the little details perfectly, and who is working behind the scenes even when we’re asleep and can’t see it.
Displays how every persecution of God’s people will end, that there’s only so long that a particular trial or hardship will last. (Whatever your going through, know that trials are temporary and will soon pass!)
Teaches though the authorities and powers of this world may seem overwhelming and strike fear into the hearts of people, yet God exposes their weaknesses, that their grasp and rule can only reach so far! (cf. 1-Corn. 10:13)
Encourages believers that no matter how much pain & suffering people have caused us they will all have their day. Whereas Herod is in the grave, Hitler is in the grave, Mao is in the grave, Stalin is in the grave, Pol Pot and Saddam are in their graves, Bin Laden is in his grave, so to will evil and cruel people go as well. (Know that the monster living down the street will have to answer to God one day as well!) (Vs. 19-20)
Warns against presuming on God’s mercy by living a wicked and sinful life, as with Herod a person can never know how much time they have left on this earth, so its best to repent now! (V. 20)
Note: Because Joseph & Mary’s home was originally in Nazareth of Galilee.-(cf. Luke 1:26, 2:4) Most assume that due to the gossip and stigma produced by Mary’s unexpected pregnancy, to return to their home town would have been a difficult thing to do, so they had probably intended to return to Bethlehem in Judea, thinking since they already added their names to the census-(Luke 2:1-5) what better city to raise their child in then the city of David, that is until they found out that Herod Archelaus was reigning over Judea and afraid to go there.
Note: Joseph was right to be afraid of Archelaus because there were already signs that he was as evil as his father was. He was a chip off the old block. You know, the apple doesn’t fall too far from the tree. Time would prove that Archelaus would be an evil ruler. Even having 3,000 Jewish worshippers slaughtered during the Passover in Jerusalem.
Note: According to the Jewish historian Josephus states that Herod died of a loathsome disease as a judgment from God on account of his sins. He even describes the horrible details in which he suffered–burning fever, ulcerated entrails, foul discharge, convulsions, stench, etc. (See Josephus Antiquities 17.6.5)
(For more Applications get the whole Book)
(All material is copyrighted and may be used for preaching, teaching, and instructing. And not for publication in any form without the written permission of the author.)
- Posted by David Costa/
- Notes/
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