Matthew 2:12…….Ready
And having been warned in a dream not to go back to Herod, (Not To report their discovery.) they returned to their country (Persia) by another route. (Suggests backroads in avoiding Jerusalem altogether.)
Continued From Book
“Teaches how those who come to a Saving faith in Christ leave a different person. You cant meet Jesus and not leave a changed person.”
“Teaches how after meeting Jesus there’s no going down the same old road, no going back to business as usual.” ⇔ (To be continued)
“Calls for expecting detours in our walk with God. Though God leads us home, it may not be the journey we expected!”
“Calls for caring more about doing what God wants than what man wants! By not going back to Herod and reporting the whereabouts of the child. They Magi chose not listen to the strong voice of the king but to God’s voice instead.” ⇒ We have the same choice, we could either do Herod’s bidding, in listening to the voices of our friends, culture, and media around us. Or listen to God’s voice instead. Are you more concerned with appeasing others? Or staying true to God and what He desires? The choices we make are not always easy ones; It often takes courage to obey God, rather than human directives. Whose voice do we listen to? Most times the voice of God is a gentle voice. He does not scream at us. The wise men obeyed the gentle voice of the Spirit and disobeyed the strong voice of Herod.
“Teaches how God protects us from becoming unsuspecting instruments in the evil plots of others without our knowledge.” ⇒ God protects us from those who will us our good nature and innocence for their own evil plans.
“Teaches how true worshipers will leave their worship time following and obeying God.” ⇒ We don’t show how much we really worship God by what we do in church as much in what we do after we leave church! We can come to church, offer our gifts, kneel before the Lord, sing praises to Him – but if we leave and don’t follow and obey God, and don’t DO the things He tells us to do, we don’t really worship Him!
“Even today those who have encountered the Saving work of Jesus will have their lives taken in a different direction. What about you? How has your life been impacted and changed by Jesus? How has God’s love, mercy, and grace made you a different person?
“The route the Magi used to return home may have been unfamiliar, less convenient, or more risky. It may have been more dangerous, but it was the way God wanted them to go. So too with us, changing our direction and our ways can be difficult and risky. When the comfortable and familiar path is the easier way.”
Additional Notes & Applications
Teaches no matter how wise & spiritual we are we still need God’s help. Even the Wise men required a special revelation from God. For the wise men required a special revelation from God not to inform Herod of their finding the Christ-child.
Warns how being a worshiper and follower of Christ does not guarantee immunity from hardship or trouble! Those who are devoted to Christ will often find themselves objects of hostility, so don’t lose faith in the goodness of God just because your experiencing some opposition or setback!
Teaches how God’s commands are to be obeyed and acted on without argument, debate, or dispute.
Calls for caring more about doing what God wants than what man wants! The Magi’s refusal to do Herod’s bidding in revealing the location of the child was an indication of their faith, that they we’re willing to put themselves in harms way rather then disobey God! Will you have the same courage, that despite the risks your going to stay obedient to doing what God wants even if it upsets others? (cf. Acts 5:27-29)
Warns if you say that you know the Savior but your life has not been changed, you have never really met Jesus! (A person who has truly encountered Jesus as Lord & Savior will take their life’s in a different direction!)
Note: Not only do we find the Magi being changed after encountering Jesus, there are a number of accounts where this occurred to others as well. Think of the many people in scripture who were changed by their encounter with Jesus: The demon possessed man who was put back in his right mind.-{Mark 5:1-17) The paralyzed man on the mat who went home praising God.-(Luke 5:18-25) The bleeding woman who left in peace.-(Luke 8:43-48) Blind Bartimaeus who followed Jesus after being healed.-(Mark 10:46-52) The Samaritan woman at the well who left testifying about Jesus.(John 4:1-39) Zacchaeus who left repaying everyone he ever cheated.-(Luke 19:1-10) Men on the road to Emmaus who’s hearts were touched by Christ.-(Luke 24:13-35) And let’s surely not forget the Disciples. Each of these and many more who met Jesus went home a different from the way they came.
Note: Notice that the wise men did not stay in Jerusalem, after they worshipped Jesus, they went back home! There are many of us who are coming to church and worshipping Jesus, but we don’t take that experience back with us. Even after Christmas, it is easy to travel back to Herod, “business as usual”. If we came in a spirit of true worship, we will not go home the same way. Do we come each week hoping to be changed by God’s mercy, love, and grace? Do we come hoping for God to make a change in our lives? Do we come with great expectations?
(For Additional Applications get the whole Book) 
(All material is copyrighted and may be used for preaching, teaching, and instructing. And not for publication in any form without the written permission of the author.)
- Posted by David Costa/
- Notes/
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