Matthew 1:21……..Ready
She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins.”
(For Expository Notes get the Companion Book)
More Notes & Applications
Calls for recognizing how messed up our world is, that the symptoms of this sin disease are everywhere: Relationships are ruined, families are wrecked, people are lied too and cheated upon, children are abused, communities are destroyed, people are bound by drug & alcohol addiction, politicians are corrupt, marriages are breaking up, mass shootings are on the up-rise, etc. (Will you see Sin as the major cause behind what’s wrong in the world today and Jesus as the only answer and cure for it?)
Calls for admitting that we’re the source of most of our own problems, that we have some habits, compulsions, addictions, and issues that we just can’t break free of. (Are you prepared to admit that you have a problem no matter how small or insignificant it may be, that you need God’s help?)
Calls for seeing that were coming to Jesus to Save us from the sin that’s plaguing us and slowly eating away at our lives. (Will you allow Jesus to get to the sin of your lying, cheating, drinking, lusting, pride-fullness, bitterness, bigotry, hate, anger, etc. that’s damming you to Hell and putting you in an early grave?)
Warns rather than fooling ourselves in thinking were good enough, that were not as bad as other people. We need to examine our own hearts, our own thoughts, and our own motives. (Will you admit that your not immune, that your inherently sinful at heart and need God’s forgiveness no matter how hard you try to do right or how good you feel about yourself?) (cf. Rom. 3:10-12, 3:23)
Calls for recognizing that because of Adam & Eves Fall in the Garden of Eden our sins have placed us under God’s wrath, and that if we don’t repent and receive Jesus as Lord & Savior now, we will have to pay the penalty for those sins ourselves on the Day of Judgment. (cf. Rom. 5:12-21, 8:1-4)
Teaches how Jesus enters into our brokenness, that He doesn’t keep us at arms length, holding His nose. But rather He identifies with us, that Jesus knows who we are and what we’ve done. (Will you allow Jesus to deal with the guilt, shame, and regrets of the past?) (cf. Heb. 2:11, 13:5)
Displays how God comes to us and accepts us the way we are now and not as we’re expected to be, should be, or promising to be.
Teaches how Jesus is here to help transform & change us in real ways. (Will you allow Jesus to save you from the misery that sin has been causing in your life, that Jesus has a better plan for your life!)
Even today many play down or shy away from acknowledging sins presence by calling it by another name as a “Moral failure”, “Indiscretion”, “Lapse of judgment”, etc. Or they will redirect it away from themselves by blaming it on other causes such as family, society, economics, or their poor environment, upbringing, genetics, lack of education, etc. rather than taking personal responsibility.
(For more Applications get the whole Book)
(All material is copyrighted and may be used for preaching, teaching, and instructing. And not for publication in any form without the written permission of the author.)
- Posted by David Costa/
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