Matthew 15:29-31…Working
15:29 Jesus left there (Tyre & Sidon After healing the Canaanite woman’s daughter-(Vs. 21-28-(New) and went along the Sea of Galilee. (Walked along the shoreline-(New) Jesus and the disciples may have taken the long way around, bypassing Galilee altogether, traveling down the Eastern coast instead of the Western coast of the sea of Galilee. Possibly to avoid Herod the tetrarch of Galilee. Or further conflict with the religious leaders. Eventually arriving in a Gentile region known as the Decapolis-“Ten Cities”. Greek Deca meaning “10” and Polis meaning “Cities”-{Mark 7:31} See Map) Then he went up on a mountainside (Large hill. Reminiscent of a greater & better Moses.) and sat down (Portrays a posture Rabbis would take when they were about to teach. Or to make Himself visible and accessible to all. Displays how oftentimes ministry is going to take a while-(New) 30 Great crowds (Gentiles) came to him, (Jesus makes Himself accessible to all. Suggests they were already familiar with Jesus’s miraculous powers, having healed Two Demonic men-(Matt. 8:28-34) bringing (They’re friends and relatives who were suffering. The verb tense expresses constantly arriving) the lame (impaired, limping) the blind, (literally & spiritually) the crippled, (2948-“Kullos”- bent, crooked, deformed, maimed in feet and hands.-(New) amputees, paralyzed) the mute (speechless, deaf) and many others, (With various Illnesses, emotional issues, spiritual disorders) and laid them (cast-K.J.V.-4496-“Rhipto”- Hurriedly flung, throw down in haste) at his feet (Expresses desperation, humility, compassion, mercy) and he healed them. (Jesus turns none away. No matter what we throw at Jesus, He is not at all overwhelmed by it. Must have been 100s or 1000s of people, being that it took three straight days.-(V.32)-(New) 31 The people were amazed (awestruck, God-smacked) when they saw the mute speaking, the crippled made well, the lame walking and the blind seeing. (May have seen this as fulfillment prophesized by Isaiah of the Messiah’s healing work.-(Is. 35:5)-(New). And they praised (glorified, celebrated) the God of Israel. (Confirms Gentile crowd. They saw the God of Israel at work in Jesus, will you do the same?)
Extended Sermon Notes
“Calls for bringing the broken & hurting to Christ. (How far are you willing to carry someone in meeting Jesus?).” ⇒ Sometimes we are called to carry someone to Jesus who don’t have the strength to get to Him on their own. How can people come to Jesus if not by the help of their family and friends. Will you come along side those who are hurting and bring them to Jesus’ feet. Will you help others come to Jesus and experience His love, healing, and Salvation. Will you lead those with disabilities and addictions to Jesus, where they can find the help and healing they need. Will you pray and witness to them. Will come along side and spend time with them. To weep and cry with them. To listen to their struggles, doubts, and questions without judgment. Will you share your own story of faith and how Jesus has impacted and changed your own life. We must remember that our journey of faith is not one we travel alone. There are countless souls around us who are struggling, hurting, and seeking solace. It’s our privilege and duty to bring these individuals to the feet of Jesus, where they can find the peace and healing they so desperately need. This mission calls for empathy, patience, and unwavering love. Sometimes, people cannot reach out to Jesus on their own; they are burdened by the weight of their struggles, their fears, and their past. It is in these moments that we are called to be their strength to carry them to Jesus, to ensure they would receive the healing they so desperately need. This act of bringing others to Jesus is a testament to our faith and love, reflecting the very essence of Christ’s teachings. Will you take up this calling? Will you be the one to stand in the gap, to intercede, and to guide others to the Savior? It might require you to step out of your comfort zone, to extend a hand of friendship, to offer a word of encouragement, or to share your testimony of how Jesus transformed your life. Whatever it takes, let us be willing to do it, knowing that every effort made in love is never in vain.
“Demonstrates how we often owe it to the kindness of family and friends through whom God uses to bring us to Jesus.” ⇒ Was there not a relative or friend who encouraged us during our earlier days to join them in attending a preacher’s sermon or to change our ways? Often, it was a mother’s persistent prayers that had significant impacts. We owe much to such individuals for their efforts. We should extend the same support to others. Do we have relatives to consider in our thoughts? Could we send a letter or book to guide them? Can we invite them to attend an event at church? These acts of support strengthen the connections among community members.
“Teaches how we can take all the burdens and problems plaguing us and lay them at Jesus’ feet.”⇒ Did you know that no matter what you got going on; no matter how bad it is, no matter how big it is, no matter how shameful it is, no matter how embarrassing it is. You can take all your junk and lay them at Jesus’ feet without worry of being judged or rejected. Will you give all your worries to God, for He cares about you. He cares about your sickness. He cares about your hurts. He cares about your pains. He cares about your marriage. He4 cares about your addiction. He cares about your future. He cares about your life. He cares for everything about you!
“Displays how Jesus is accessible to all, never turning anyone away. (Jesus is never too busy or too above accepting you.)” ⇒ No matter your situation or who you are or what you’ve done, Jesus is always ready to welcome you with open arms just as you are and right where you’re at. You don’t have to fix yourself up, you don’t have to be good enough to deserve His help. You don’t have to pull yourself up by your bootstraps, or do enough to earn His mercy. With Jesus there’s no certain qualifications or list of who can come and who can’t come. There’s no need to feel shame or discomfort. His compassion and love extends to every corner of your life, reaching out to heal and support you in ways you may never have imagined. Take comfort in knowing that Jesus sees you, knows your struggles, and is always available to offer His grace and mercy. The Savior’s willingness to embrace us, despite our flaws and shortcomings, serves as a powerful reminder of His boundless love and unwavering commitment to each of us.
“Teaches how healings should be to the praise & glory of God. (Do we get our miracle and then go your own way?)” ⇒ Do you live for the glory of God by living a new life that pleases Him. Do we glorify God for the wonder of His Salvation of us. Or have we lost our gratitude over His grace given us. May we never forget the blessings and good things God does for us. We shouldn’t take God’s healing for granted. We shouldn’t overlook His care for us. We shouldn’t forget all that God has done in our life’s. We should praise Jesus for His healings every day, that we would be forever doomed and lost without Him.
“Even today, we may not have supernatural powers to heal anyone. But we can help those crippled by sin. We can offer hope to the guilty and ashamed, and bring back those who have lost their way. We can open the eyes to those who are unaware of God’s mercy & forgiveness, and lead those hurt to Jesus for healing.⇒ We can sign for the deaf. We can pick up the handicapped, the elderly, the shut-in. Will you help someone who wants to know God and hear from God – even if it’s hard, even if it costs us a whole bunch. Or maybe you need help yourself. Maybe your timid in speaking up for Jesus and the truth. Maybe your handicapped by some sin or addiction. Maybe your blinded by stubborn pride. Maybe your deaf to grieving the Spirit. Maybe your shortsighted to things of God. Whatever it is Jesus can help you with it.
Additional Notes & Applications
Displays how when we keep Jesus front and center good things happen, in His time, His way, and according to His goodness-(V. 30)
Calls for asking who do we turn to when we are in need. Do we turn to God or are we afraid He may turn us away. That our sins are to great for God to forgive.
Teaches how true love and compassion is indiscriminate and unprejudiced towards others, that all people need healing and help no matter who they are or what they’ve done.
Teaches true worship will give Jesus the honor and reverence due Him. Are we in awe of Jesus? Does He amaze us, do we kind our satisfaction in Him.
Teaches those who have seen and witnessed the miraculous can’t but walk away marveling and believing in Christ!
Teaches how Christ’s glory and reputation is in our hands today – How we glorify Christ in what we say and do is vital to the spread of the Gospel and the Saving of souls. Let us fulfill that role as Christ’s disciples by seeking opportunities to bring glory to Him by working miracles in the lives of others – even it if costs us a whole bunch, lest we seek to save our lives instead of lose them. We see a lot in our culture today of people showing little respect for God or the name of Jesus anymore. Maybe the reason they’re not glorifying the name of God and honoring Jesus, is that they’re not seeing more of the work of God among the so called people of God. The greatest way we can proclaim the love of Jesus Christ is to live for Jesus Christ! Will you let people see the amazing power of Jesus in your life. Will you let them see Jesus in you in your home, in your church, in your neighborhood, in your city, in your work, in your school, in your marriage, etc.
According to the Gospel of Mark Jesus left “Tyre” and went through “Sidon”-(Mark 7:31) Suggests Jesus traveled north first through Sidon, then east, and then south along the east side of the Sea of Galilee into the Decapolis. (See Mark 7:31) Some say that Mark, out of ignorance of the geographical layout of the land was mistaken. Even so it isn’t a problem and doesn’t constrict the path. Others argue that the expression “through Sidon” is shorthand for “through the region of Sidon” and does not necessarily indicate that Jesus entered the city itself. Sidon’s territory probably extended at least twenty miles to the east of the city itself.
Jesus’ travel route from Tyre & Sidon to the Decapolis.
Mark’s Gospel gives us more detail of how Jesus healed one particular man who was deaf and could hardly talk. And the usual method He used by putting His fingers into the man’ ears. Then spitting and touching the man’s tongue and saying Ephphatha-(Aramaic) be clean.-(Mark 7:32-35) Many resolve the discrepancy of the number of those healed by attributing to the fact that do to the unusual method used to heal this man had caused Mark to focus primarily on this one healing particular rather than all the others.
We don’t hear what the disciples are doing at this time. We can image Peter, James, and John were probably taking charge a little bit down the hill, lining people up, saying; ”When you get up to Jesus, drop your loved ones and step to the right.
- Posted by David Costa/
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